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Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
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  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
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  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.10.13. 14:03 semiambidextrous

I took the liberty...

Vocabulary development

...hogy ezt a nyakatokba zúdítsam, persze csak úgy az íze végett. Magyarul is, hogy ne csak mindig az utánajárás meg a fejfájás a kedves Látogatók részéről.

He certainly knows his job. [jól ismeri a szakmáját)
He killed the goose that laid the golden egg by resigning from his position. [kb. levágta az aranytojást tojó tyúkot)
He killed two birds with one stone. [kb. két legyet egy csapásra)
Looks as if Dora’s going to have the last laugh. [ő nevet a végén)
That’s what one might call a loaded question, Miss Lightbody. [célzatos kérdés)
She seems to have a magic touch with him, he does whatever she wants him to. [kb. a bűvöletébe került)
Ah I think I’ve got a bit of a mental block against it myself. [kb. én is nehezen tudom elfogadni)
I’ve left the backdoor open. Of all the stupid things to do! [micsoda hülyeség!)
We cannot yet know the ins and outs of this business. [ismeri az üzlet csínját-bínját)
It would be the height of folly not to finish the job now. [kb. az ostobaság netovábbja)
He’s making a fool of himself, can’t you see? [hülyét csinál magából)
He said he would pay back all the money and I was fool enough to believe him. [elég ostoba voltam)
I’m afraid that is a mistake you cannot turn to your advantage. [saját hasznodra fordítani)
She simply couldn’t get the better of him in the argument. [kb. nem tudta legyőzni)
We all hope that the law will work to our advantage. [kb. kedvező lesz számunkra)
She has three degrees, she’s not just a pretty face, you know! [nem csak egy csinos pofi = okos)
Her latest poems show great promise. [nagyon ígéretes)
He couldn’t solve a maths problem to save his life. [kb. ha lelőnék, akkor sem)
Can’t you talk sense for a change? [értelmesen beszélnél)
Of course, not everyone is well versed in moral philosophy. [kb. tájékozott, nagy tudású)
He is still wet behind the ears. [kezdő, kb. ott van a fenekén a tojáshéj)
When an emergency situation arises, the pilot needs all his wits about him. [kb. gyorsan jár az esze)
Men of letters have always been ready for exciting literary discoveries. [irodalomtudósok)
The rest of us might also stand in awe of this season. [lenyűgözve)
I take my hat off to his determination. [megemelem a kalapom)
He was hanging on the author’s words. [kb. itta a szerző szavait)
She gives the orders and the servants defer to her. [engedelmeskednek neki)
Finally, they descended to the level of personal insults. [arra a szintre süllyed)
Jameson advised the prince to stand on his dignity with de Marie. [megkövetelje a kijáró tiszteletet)
After the party he’s certainly gone down in my estimation. [nagyot zuhant a szememben)
I kept on taking shots anyway so as not to lose face. [kb. hogy ne szégyenüljek meg)
And its spectacular fall from grace should serve as a warning. [kb. tekintélyvesztés)
He spoke highly of his teachers. [kb. nagy tisztelettel beszélt)
He contributed much to the life of York, and was held in high regard there. [nagyra tartották)
If she warned Ace what her father expected of him he’d laugh in her face. [a szemébe nevetne)
She is not afraid to laugh at herself. [nevet saját magán)
She’ll just become a laughing stock if she’s not that already. [kb. nevetség tárgya)
He took the liberty of holding her hand briefly. [vette magának a bátorságot)
We are the lowest of the low. [kb. aljanép)
He wouldn’t lower himself by talking to us. [odáig süllyed)
Modigliani, who was a most able draughtsman, was much maligned by the critics. [sokat szidták)
Train passengers used to stand up as a mark of respect when they passed Mother Volga. [tiszteletük jeleként)
Manufacturers have been reluctant to acknowledge the difficulties. [elismerjék a nehézségeket)
Apparently it’s in appreciation of my success at the club. [sikereim elismeréseként)
Jim had bowed to Jack’s pleading request for protection for his family. [engedett, beadta a derekát)
‘I take your points, and they do you credit,’ Sir Daniel said smoothly. [becsületedre válnak)
Let’s face it, possum, there are some who would put me on a pedestal. [kb. magasztal)
The place was highly rated for good food with wide choice of menu. [magas színvonalúként van számon tartva)
Mr Lamont is not widely regarded as a great Chancellor. [nem tekintenek rá úgy, mint)
Everybody held the composer in high regard. [nagyra tartotta a szerzőt)
He won renown as a professor. [tiszteletet vívott ki magának)
His behaviour was beyond reproach. [kb. kifogástalan)
Old Jeff is the salt of the earth. [kb. nagyon jó/tisztességes ember)
Some children suffer from low self-esteem, and expect to do badly. [kb. szenvednek attól, hogy kevés az önbizalmuk)
She certainly has a sharp tongue. [éles a nyelve)
For years I allowed him to treat me like dirt. [kb. úgy bánjon velem, mint a kapcájával)
An animal may be brightly coloured as a warning to its enemies that it is not to be trifled with. [nem lehet vele
After what had happened last time, he’d need to earn her trust. [meg kellett szereznie a megbecsülését)

Kapcsolódó feladatok:

1. Fill in the gaps with the words given

credit goose grace height stand low appreciation ins salt dirt

One thing he’s never suffered from is ... self-esteem.
Leaving her alone now would be the ... of folly.
He certainly knows the ... and outs of this business.
You must ... on your dignity with them!
The bonus was in ... of his successful deals.
That announcement definitely did him ... .
He is the best person I’ve ever known, he is the ... of the earth.
I tried to be nice to her, but she treated me like ... .
He seems to have fallen from ... after that loss.
It seems we’ve killed the ... that laid the golden eggs.

2. Translate the listed sentences with the covered phrases and idioms

Akkor sem tudnám felsorolni az összes elnököt, ha lelőnének. SAVE
A nép magasztalta a győzelemért. PEDESTAL
Ezt a levelet még a saját hasznodra is fordíthatnád. ADVANTAGE
Nagy tisztelettel beszélt a rendőrségről. HIGHLY
Nagyot esett a szememben miután lelőtte a szomszédját. ESTIMATION
Nagyra tartotta az ellenfeleit. REGARD
Megemelem a kalapom az eredményei előtt. HAT
Vette magának a bátorságot, és felhívta a feleségemet. LIBERTY
Ez egy elég célzatos kérdés volt, nem szeretnék rá válaszolni. LOADED
Ha ezt tőlem kérné, a szemébe nevetnék. FACE

3. Choose the correct answer

He held them with/in high regard.
That restaurant was highly/greatly rated for its service.
You must understand he is not a person to be trifled with/about.
His character was over/beyond reproach.
He seems to have a mental/mentally block against her ideas.
She’s more than just a pretty face/head, you know.
No one could get the better from/of him at the meeting.
She has a magic touch/move with the children.
He suffered from/of low self-esteem during his childhood.
You must be able to laugh on/at yourself, too.

Key to exercises:

low height ins stand appreciation credit salt dirt grace goose

I couldn’t list all the presidents to save my life.
The people put him on a pedestal.
You could turn this letter to your advantage.
She spoke highly of the police.
He went down in my estimation after he shot his neighbour.
He held his enemies in high regard.
I take my hat off to his results.
He took the liberty of calling up my wife.
That was a loaded question, I’d rather not answer it.
If she asked this from me, I’d laugh in her face.

in highly with beyond mental face of touch from at

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Címkék: idioms phrasal verbs talented vocab topics crazy words teaching tricks be sophisticated

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Mr.Moonlight · http://off-shore.blog.hu 2010.10.16. 03:35:23

loaded question: lehetne ezt úgy fordítani hogy "kétélű kérdés" vagy "becsapós kérdés"? Vagy ez már "trick question"?

semiambidextrous · http://whimsicalll.blog.hu/ 2010.10.18. 14:23:01

A loaded question valóban a kétélű, plusz utalással, tartalommal, többletcélzattal bíró kérdés (amolyan némileg burkoltan provokatív jellegű), míg a trick question simán a beugratós kérdés.
Vagyis az első javaslatod megfelelő, a másodikat pedig a saját gondolatod is megválaszolta. Ez így ötös. :DDD
süti beállítások módosítása