Love them tough-talkin' cowboys? Sure, who doesn't? Oddly enough, though, ole' western cowboy slang was a bit different from what you'll pick up from Hollywood productions (go figger).
Na, íme néhány szépség ebből a tárházból:
(Több forrásból valók az alábbiak, de az egyik legjob…
2013.06.21. 06:16 semiambidextrous
Bijan for men?
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Címkék: humor ötlet speaking american southern activities vocab többfunkciós meaning of
2010.06.18. 10:38 semiambidextrous
American accent training
Erről nem szükséges bővebben, mint ami az alább letölthető könyvben található. Jó gyakorlást!American accent training_Part 1American accent training_Part 2
4 komment
Címkék: motivation call speaking pronunciation american southern slang classroom cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks accent downloadable exercises
2010.06.03. 12:00 semiambidextrous
Sooner State Sentiments
As we say in Oklahoma.... "Aren't you posta go there tomorrow?" "Yehbut I'm too busy." "Why did ya dodat?" "Guess I'll warsh the cowshit offa the truck today." "Naah, just wait, I'm fixina do it." "Be careful or you'll tump that over."…
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Címkék: humor history idioms speaking american southern slang indians cultural shock be smart just for fun
2010.03.05. 06:07 Mákosbabrizs (a.k.a. MADve)
A vörösnyakúak támadása (the first encounter)
Redneck is a disparaging term that refers to a person who is stereotypically Caucasian and of lower social-economic status in the United States, particularly referring to those living in rural areas. Originally limited to the Southern United States, and then to Appalachia, the term has become…