CAROL TELLS BOB THE GOOD NEWS Carol phones Bob to tell him the cookies are selling very well and that she needs another 1,000 by the morning. Bob isn't sure he can make the cookies so quickly, but Carol insists. Carol: Bob, your wife's cookies are selling like hotcakes! Bob: How many did you…
2011.08.10. 16:40 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_17
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Címkék: idioms speaking american vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words the johnson family
2011.01.07. 13:14 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_16 (In case you just can't get the hang of it)
BOB BRINGS THE COOKIES TO THE VILLAGE MARKET Bob brings Carol the cookies. He tells Carol that baking the cookies was easy because he had lots of help. Carol: Bob, how did the baking go? Bob: Slow at first, but we're getting the hang of it. Carol: Once you learn the ropes, it becomes second…
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Címkék: humor idioms american classroom vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated be smart just for fun the johnson family
2010.12.03. 11:00 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_15
NICOLE PRACTICES HER ELECTION SPEECH Nicole is running for student body president. She must give a speech next week. She discusses the speech with her mother. Susan: What's up, Nicole? Nicole: I pulled an all-nighter working on my election speech. Susan: No wonder you look like a basket case!…
6 komment
Címkék: humor politics campaign idioms american vocab többfunkciós crazy words be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.10.06. 10:10 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_14
Már azt hittétek, vége, mi? Hogy már itt mindenkinek folyékonyan, meg ilyenek. Naná, majd nemsokára. ;) Addig is "szelerem, szelerem, nagy-nagy szelerem..." AMBER AND TED HEAT UP THE KITCHEN Amber and Ted are in the kitchen baking cookies. Amber asks Ted to give her a kiss,…
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Címkék: stories collocations idioms phrasal verbs american vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of the johnson family
2010.09.05. 06:00 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_13
LESSON 13 AMBER COMES OVER TO BAKE COOKIES Ted's girlfriend Amber comes over to help with the cookies. Amber has experience baking cookies from a former job. Susan leaves the kitchen so they can work better. Ted: Mom, Amber is here to lend a hand with the cookies. Susan: Hi Amber. Nice to see you…
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Címkék: motivation idioms phrasal verbs series american cultural shock be smart the johnson family action verbs
2010.08.05. 05:12 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_12
BOB'S BIG COOKIE ORDER The family is gathered around the dinner table. Bob tells them about his deal with the Village Market. He asks his kids for help baking the cookies. Bob: I know I've been down in the dumps since I got fired, but things are looking up now. The Village Market wants to…
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Címkék: humor motivation call stories idioms speaking series american slang activities classroom groupdynamics cultural shock crazy words be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.07.15. 06:20 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_10
BOB VISITS THE VILLAGE MARKET Bob goes to the Village Market, a supermarket in town. He asks Carol, the owner of the store, if she would like to sell Susan's Scrumptious Cookies. Carol agrees, but isn't able to tell Bob how much she'll pay him. Bob: Thank you for making time for me today,…
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Címkék: motivation stories idioms series american vocab többfunkciós crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be sophisticated neologisms the johnson family
2010.07.05. 12:41 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_09
NICOLE FOR PRESIDENT! Nicole discusses her plans to run for student body president. Nicole wants Ted to ask his friends to vote for her. Ted agrees, in exchange for Nicole's help with his homework. Nicole: I've decided to run for student body president! If I'm going to become a senator…
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Címkék: humor idioms phrasal verbs american grammar classroom vocab groupdynamics cultural shock meaning of be sophisticated the johnson family action verbs
2010.06.27. 06:33 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_08
TED FORMS A ROCK BAND Ted plans to become a successful musician. First, he needs Susan to loan him money for a new guitar. (Period. Full stop. ;) ) Susan suggests that Ted bake cookies to earn the money. Susan: You're in good spirits today, Ted. Ted: I've got great news, Mom. Susan: What is it?…
12 komment
Címkék: humor call idioms phrasal verbs american slang vocab többfunkciós meaning of the johnson family
2010.06.20. 06:02 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_07
Megint szombat, Tedék története tehát folytatódik. SUSAN HIRES BOB TO RUN HER BUSINESS Susan stays up all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her. Bob: You're up bright and early this morning, Susan. Susan: I didn't sleep a…