Love them tough-talkin' cowboys? Sure, who doesn't? Oddly enough, though, ole' western cowboy slang was a bit different from what you'll pick up from Hollywood productions (go figger).
Na, íme néhány szépség ebből a tárházból:
(Több forrásból valók az alábbiak, de az egyik legjob…
2013.06.21. 06:16 semiambidextrous
Bijan for men?
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Címkék: humor ötlet speaking american southern activities vocab többfunkciós meaning of
2013.06.10. 06:38 semiambidextrous
Apothecary table
Egy korábbi eset kapcsán most egy kis etimológia: "Can I have your John Hancock, please?" - hangzik el egy üzleti tárgyaláson. A "mimet-teccik-kérni-kezitlábátcsókolom" érzés érthető, és hányszor vagyunk úgy, hogy de jó lenne nem pusztán érteni, de tudni is, hogy ez most miért…
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Címkék: history literature bible classroom cultural shock teaching tricks meaning of be smart proverb neologisms etymology
2012.10.01. 08:00 semiambidextrous
Bagoj, itt Róka, lyelentkezz
Kezdődjön tehát az oskola, mindjárt egy kis reading practice + vocab + ötlet...
Harry Potter was a highly unusual boy in many ways. (1) _________. For another, he really wanted to do his homework but was forced to do it in secret, in the dead of night. And he also happened to be a…
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Címkék: reading british harry potter phrasal verbs classroom vocab cultural shock teaching tricks meaning of downloadable exercises
2012.09.01. 06:01 semiambidextrous
Mind your brain
Brain vs. MindThe following sentences contain idioms with either 'brain(s)' or 'mind'. All you have to do is to fill in the blanks with the suitable word. 1. I hate having to start work at 7. I'm sure it was Samuel's _________-child, as he simply can't sleep after 5.2. I don't think you should beat…
8 komment
Címkék: call brain collocations idioms grammar slang vocab többfunkciós crazy words meaning of be smart
2011.08.14. 10:04 semiambidextrous
Az igazi, élő beszélt nyelvhez a valódi, létező, mindennapi kollokációk (ez az előtag ma még lesz) ismerete az egyik leghasznosabb eszköz. Gyakorolni lehet pl. így is: STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS One of the pleasures of camping is looking up at night into the heavens. Away from the…
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Címkék: ötlet stars nature warm up idioms camping vocab meaning of downloadable exercises
2011.01.20. 06:46 semiambidextrous
I'm a purse!
Ezeket nem lehet eleget gyakorolni: IdiomsExercise 1 - Match the sentences to the pictures and then fill in the blanks with the parts of the body from the list. You may use each word only once. Eye eyes …
1 komment
Címkék: collocations idioms meaning of be smart
2011.01.07. 13:14 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_16 (In case you just can't get the hang of it)
Bob brings Carol the cookies. He tells Carol that baking the cookies was easy because he had lots of help.
Carol: Bob, how did the baking go?
Bob: Slow at first, but we're getting the hang of it.
Carol: Once you learn the ropes, it becomes second…
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Címkék: humor idioms american classroom vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated be smart just for fun the johnson family
2010.10.06. 10:10 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_14
Már azt hittétek, vége, mi? Hogy már itt mindenkinek folyékonyan, meg ilyenek. Naná, majd nemsokára. ;) Addig is "szelerem, szelerem, nagy-nagy szelerem..."
Amber and Ted are in the kitchen baking cookies. Amber asks Ted to give her a kiss,…
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Címkék: stories collocations idioms phrasal verbs american vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of the johnson family
2010.09.14. 06:35 semiambidextrous
Ti rabjai...
A beküldés Paul érdeme megint. Köszönjük!Először is a nyersanyag, amivel dolgozunk:There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is 'UP'. It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in…
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Címkék: humor up cartoons prepositions idioms phrasal verbs cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be smart word usage
2010.09.12. 05:00 semiambidextrous
Wherever you want it, for whatever reasons
Fill in the gaps with one appropriate word: However, whatever, whenever, wherever, whoeverA: Somebody's ringing the bell! "_________________ it is, tell him to go away! B: Really, dear, you're becoming very bad tempered. _________________ happens, you get angry. You'd better go…