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The Japanese samurai
Bushido taught self-discipline. Samurai were expected to endure (1) _____________, pain, and sacrifice. A sense of pride was important. Samurai believed they had to save face, or (2) _____________ their honor. As a result, they took offense at the smallest insult. A samurai who felt greatly shamed saved face by committing hara kiri. This was the ritual act of taking one's own life.
Samurai were (3) _____________ in battle. They thought it was an honor to die on the battlefield. They compared dying in battle to cherry blossoms falling off a tree.
A samurai dressed for battle was a (4) ___________ work of art. Sword and scabbard, or sword holder, were finely crafted. Armor was light and flexible, made of hundreds of tiny leather squares. The squares were lacquered to steel (5) _____________ and woven into armor with silver thread.
Samurai were as well (6) ____________ in the polite arts as they were in battle. They trained themselves to perform the ritual tea ceremony and to write poetry. The samurai also (7) ______________ the delicate art of calligraphy.
In Europe the nobles and their traditions were pushed aside to make way for modern ways. This was not the case in Japan. The samurai (8) _______________ in clan and family loyalty and in ritual and conduct remained and was carried over to business (9) ______________ and dealings. Samurai families came to play an important role in helping Japan become a modern industrial state.
1) Hard
2) Protection
3) Fear
4) Color
5) Hard
6) Skill
7) Master
8) Believe
9) Relate
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