
Beszélsz nyelveken? Vajon kinek mi a titka? Kidobott a porosz oktatási rendszer az utcára, és már ment is folyékonyan? Gondolatok, ötletek, építő javaslatok és inspiráló meglátások fogják hatékonyabbá tenni a tanítást, mert mindig, mindenhol tanárok, és egyúttal tanulók is vagyunk. A blog célja a whimsical, unorthodox és egyéb finnugor jelzőkkel megbélyegezhető módszerek, vagy nem módszerek, ötletek és sikersztorik gyűjtőhelyének lenni a második (harmadik, nx) nyelv elsajátítására vonatkozóan. Ha van olyan ötleted, módszered, ami NÁLAD működött, oszd meg velünk, hátha valaki magára ismer, alkalmazza, és megtanul még jobban tanulni, vagy tanítani. Ha mégsem, akkor is legalább elmélyítettük azt a tudást, miszerint a tanulás és tanítás személyes dolog, nem sablonok halmaza. Ide írhatsz: semiambidextrous@gmail.com

Ha valóban ki akarod használni a lehetőségeket, tanulj amerikai tanároktól teljesen INGYEN. Itt megtalálhatod a lakóhelyedhez legközelebbi ilyen lehetőséget: Ingyenes angol

Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.06.12. 07:07 semiambidextrous


A nyelvek savát-borsát az ilyen finomságok adják. Tessék csemegézni bátran, és megkínálni a tanulókat is. Hadd rontsék el a gyomrukat mingyá' korán reggel. ;) Pl.: kiveszünk minden blokkból egyet-kettőt, persze szókincsük szerint, ebben az esetben, majd prezentáljuk nekik azzal a kérdéssel, hogy mi bennük a közös, találnak-e közös vonást, jellemzőt.

A Fine Mess
A just war
A little big
a little pregnant
A new classic
absolutely unsure
abundant poverty
academic fraternity
Academic sorority
Accidentally on Purpose
accurate estimate
accurate horoscope
accurate rumors
accurate stereotype
acrophobic mountain climber
Act Naturally
active retirement
actual reenactment
acute apathy
acute dullness
adult children
Adult male
advanced BASIC
advanced beginner
Affirmative action
affordable housing
aging yuppie agree to disagree
Airline Food
airline schedules
all alone
All natural artificial flavor
altogether separate
alone in a crowd
almost candid
Almost done
almost exactly
almost pregnant
Almost Ready
almost safe
almost suddenly
almost surprised
almost totally
alone together
amateur expert
American culture
American education
American English
amicable divorce
among the first
Amtrak schedule
Anarchy Rules!
anonymous colleague anticipated serendipity
anticipating the unanticipated
Anti-Missile Missile
anxious patient
apathetic interest
apathetically urged
Apple tech support
approximate solution
approximately equal
arms limitation
army intelligence
arrogant humility
Artificial Grass
artificial intelligence
assistant supervisor
astronomically small
athletic scholarship
Aunt Jemima Light
Auto Pilot
authentic replica
authentic reproduction
authoritarian anarchy
awfully good
awfully nice
Awfully pretty

baby giant
baby grand (piano)
bad health
bad luck
Bad Sport
balanced insanity
balding hair
Ball Club
baggy tights
Band Jocks
bankrupt millionaire
barely dressed
Barenaked Ladies
(the rock group)
bass guitar
battle ready
Bureaucratic efficiencies
benevolent despot
benign neglect
Benign Tumor
better than new
beyond infinity
big baby
big detail
big sip
big town
bigger half bingeing on moderation
bipartisan cooperation
bird dog
birth control
Bitter Sweet
Black Gold
(slang for crude oil)
black light
Black Russian
blameless culprit
bland spice
blind eye
blind viewer
blue rose
Blurry vision
boneless ribs
books on tape
border control
boring court jester
boring entertainment
born dead
boxing ring
boyish grandpa brave politician
brave wimp
brief speech
brief survey
bright night
bright rain
bright shade
brilliantly dull
budget deficit
Bug Fix
Bug-Free code
bug-free software
build down
bull riding
buried alive
burning cold
business casual
Business Ethics

cafeteria food
Calculated Error
calculated risk
calculated spontaneity
California Culture
California expressway
California style
calm storm
calm winds
camping resort
Canadian Bacon
canned fresh
cardinal sin
Caring Republican
casual chic
casual dress
casual formality
casual intimacy
casual sex
casually concerned
Cautiously Optimistic
cavalier concern
center around
Central Intelligence Agency
centrally-planned economy
Certain risk
certainly unsure
chaotic organization
cheap gas
cheerful pessimist
cheerful undertaker
cheerfully cynical
cheerfully mournful
Cheese Steak
Cherokee Pioneer
(name of U.S. car)
Chicken fajitas
chilling fever
Chinese chop suey
Chocolate 'Nilla Wafers
Chow Baby
Christian evolutionist
Christian gangster
Christian militia
CIA cooperation
civil disobedience
civil engineer
Civil Servant
civil service
civil strife
Civil War
civilized warfare
classic new homes
classic rock & roll clean air
clean boy
clean coal
clean dirt
clean kill
clean litter
clean oil
clean toilet
clear as mud
clearly ambiguous
clearly confused
clearly misunderstood
clever fool
click the start button to shut down
Clinton principles
climb down
clogged drain
close distance
cluster bomb
co-ed fraternity
co-ed sorority
cold fever
cold hotdog
cold sweat
cold toast
Collective liberty
College algebra
college education
college student
colorless kaleidoscope
combative apology
comedic tragedy
Comfortable bra
comfortable neckbrace
Comfortable tights
commercial art
committed schedule
committee decision
committee schedule
Common abnormality
Common courtesy
common sense
Common phenomenon
communist party
comparatively unique
Compassionate Conservative
compassionate editor
Compassionate management
Complete separation
completed research
completed website
completely destroyed
completely educated
completely succinct
completely unfinished
component parts
compulsory volunteers
computer jock
computer science conciliation court
concrete pad
confident fear
Congressional accountability
Congressional action
Congressional cooperation
Congressional Ethics
Congressional oversight
Congressional responsibility
Congressional wisdom
conscripted volunteer
Conservative Democrat
conservative liberal
considerate boss
consistent discrepancies
consistent uncertainties
consistently inconsistent
conspicuously absent
Constant change
constant infrequent
constant variable
constructive ambiguity
constructive attitude
constructive criticism
constructive negativity
Continuing resolution
contra aid
contra assistance
controlled enthusiasm
controlled chaos
controlled skeptic
controlled-market economy
convenience store
conventional wisdom
Convergent Evolution
corporate conscience
Corporate Culture
corporate ethics
corporate family
corporate planning
correctional institution
council action
countless numbers
Country Music
cowardly lion
crash landing
Creation science
creative destruction
criminal cop
criminal justice
criminal system
crisis management
critical acclaim
cruel kindness
current history
Curved Line
customer satisfaction
customer service

daily special
dangerously safe
dark day
dark light
dark star
dark victory
Dead livestock
dead right
deaf listener
debugged program
defensive strike
Deficit spending
definite maybe
degradable plastic
deliberate mistake
deliberate speed
deliberately thoughtless
delicious torment
demanding patient
Democratic Congress
democratic leadership
democratic machine
Department of Interior (responsible for everything outside)
Deregulation Law designer beer
designer jeans
desktop publishing
detailed summary
devilish angel
devout atheist
diet ice cream
different pattern
diligent sloth
diminished confidence
Diminishing growth
diminutive giants
dim light
Dining hall food
direct circumvention
disaster preparedness
disciplined gluttony
discretionary rules
disposable income
disposable products with a lifetime guarantee
distant relative
divided unity
divorce court
Dodge Ram
Doing Nothing
dollar value
domestic bliss
domestic cooperation
domestic violence doorstop
double solitaire
Doubting believers
drawing a blank
dress pants
Dressy Casual
driving pleasure
Droning Silence
Dry beer
dry creek
dry humor
Dry Ice
Dry Lake
dry martini
dry pond
dry snow
Dry Wine
dull acupuncturists
dull knife
dull needle
dull roar
dull shine
dying is a part of life
dynamic monotone
dynamic stability

easy labor (childbirth)
easy payments
Easy problem
easy task
easy to follow directions
economic forecast
economic reform
economic stability
educated consumer
educated guess
educational administration
Educational television
Educational TV
effective compassion
elected king
elementary calculus
elevated subway
elite rabble
eloquent silence
energetic exhaustion
enough time
enormously small
Enquiring minds entertaining sermon
enthusiastic indifference
Environmentalist bumper sticker
equally diverse
equal justice
equal opportunity
ergonomic keyboard
Escaped inmate
eschew obfuscation
essential luxury
essential service
eternal life
ethical hackers
Ethiopian Feast
ethnic cleansing
European Community
evaporated milk
even odds
evolutionary fact
evolutionary technology
Evolutionary Theory
exact estimate
executive assistant
Executive decision executive secretary
expected serendipity
expected surprise
Expect the unexpected
explicit innuendo
explicitly ambiguous
express bus
express line
express mail
express ways
expressive silence
Extended Deadline
extensive briefing
Extinct Life Form
extra ordinary
extra money
extra time
extremely average
extremely bland
extremely neutral
Eyes Wide Shut

faculty cooperation
faculty understanding
fail safe
fair reporting
Fair trial
Fairly Accurate
fairly explicit
fairly obvious
Fallout shelter
false fact
false hope
Family entertainment
family vacation
fan fatale
farewell reception
fast food
fast idle
fast snail
fast turtle
fast waiter
fast walk
fast-mail service
fatally injured
fat-free cream cheese
faultily faultless
fearful bravery
federal budget
Female gunman
fiber glass
Fictional truth
Fictional reality
fiery ice
fighting for peace
filing system
final conclusion
Final version
finally again
financially strong savings and loan associations and banks
fire water firm estimate
firm maybe
firm pillow
first annual
first conclusions
first deadline
first string secondary
first-strike defense
fish farm
flexible ethics
flexible freeze (in economics)
Floating to the bottom
flood control
floppy disk
Flurry of inactivity
flying fish
Foolproof instructions
football scholarship
foreign national
foreign policy continuity
Forgotten memories
former native
former President-for-life
Forth programming language
forward back
Found missing
Free Credit
Free election
free gift
free labor
free love
free market
free prisoner
Free purchase
Free Rent
free society
Free trade agreement
free with purchase
Freezer Burn French deodorant
French Resistance
fresh cheese
fresh dried fruit
Fresh from Concentrate
fresh frozen
fresh prunes
fresh raisins
fresh sour cream
fresh yogurt
freezer burn
Fried Ice Cream
fried roast
Friendly advice
friendly argument
friendly competitor
friendly divorce
friendly enemy
Friendly fights
Friendly Fire
friendly suit (legal)
friendly takeover
friendly war
Frightening comfort
front end
frozen food
frugal gourmet
full service
full-time hobby
full vacuum (as in a vacuum that needs a new bag)
functional illiterate
funky white guy
Funny clean joke
future history
fuzzy logic


gargantuan Lilliputian
genuine imitation
gentle turbulence
gentleman bandit
genuine fake
genuine imitation
genuine(ly) fake
genuine-imitation leather
giant dwarf
gigantic microorganism
girly man
glacier-like rapidity
global village
go ahead, back up
Golf fashion
Gold silverware
going nowhere
good beating
good cigar
Good Clean Fun
good fast food
good garbage good grief
good junk
good lawyer
Good Morning
good profanity
good stuff
gourmet fast food
gourmet hamburger
Gourmet Pizza
gourmet sandwich
government aid
Government assistance
government efficiency
government integrity
government initiative
Government Intelligence
government organization
Government Worker
Governmental Efficiency
graduate student Grand Children
Grape Nuts
graphic language
Graphite irons
great depression
Greater Cleveland
greater evil
green blackberries
green manufacturing
green oranges
gregarious recluse
grotesque beauty
grounded airplane
group of individuals
growing small
guaranteed forecast
guest host
gummily brittle
gunboat diplomacy

hair growth
Haitian former President-for-life Jean-Claude Duvalier
half dead
Half dressed
half empty
half full
half naked
half true
Halfway done
Ham steak
handgun safety
Happily married
happy apathy
happy demise
happy fault
happy Monday
happy pessimist
hard curve
hard cushion
hard liquor
hard pillow
Hard Roll
harmless abuse
harmless crime
harmless lie
harmless pollution
harmless pornography
harmless sin harmonious discord
hasten slowly
Hazardous waste disposal
head butt
health-care system
healthful-city environment
healthy chocolate
healthy city environment
Healthy tan
Heartfelt Politics
heavy gas
heifer bull
Helicopter flight
Hell’s Angels
here and there
high ground
Higher education
highly visible covert operation
High-Speed Computer
hilarious funeral
history of the future
Historical Current Event
Holistic Healing
hollow point
holy hell
holy land
Holy Roman Empire
holy war
home office
home school
Homeopathic Medicine homework
honest bureaucratic snafu
honest convict
honest crook
honest graft
honest insurance companies
honest liar
Honest Politician
honest thief
hopeful pessimist
hopelessly optimistic
horribly decent
horse fly
hospital food
hot chili
Hot Ice / Icy Hot
Hot water heater
house boat
House Ethics Committee
huge market niche
huge shortage
Human evolution
human robot
humane robotics
humanitarian invasion
hypothetical situations
Hyundai Excel

IBM compatible
IBM-Apple compatible
icy hot
Idiot Savant
idly laborious
ignorant professor
ill fortune
ill health
immigration control
impatient patient
important trivia
inarticulate writer
Income Tax
incomplete cure
increasing declines
increasingly little
incredibly common
incredibly dull
incredibly real Indecent exposure
indifferently attentive
indirect communication
Industrial Park
inexpensive car
inexpensive house
inexpensive medical care
Information Superhighway
initial conclusion
initial results
initial retirement
innocent bureaucratic blunder
Innocent Criminal
Insane logic
Insanely Normal
Insomniac dreams
inside out
insincere thanks
insincere vow
Instant Classic
instant folk hero
intelligent fight intelligent news coverage
intense apathy
intense disinterest
interested students
interest free loan
internal exile
Internal Revenue Service
intimate murder
intimate strangers
invisible ink
irate patient

Job security
journalistic integrity
joyful trouble
jumbo shrimp
Jump start jungle gym
junior senator
junk bonds
junk food
just war
justice Rehnquist Justice Thomas
justifiable genocide
justifiably paranoid
justified rape

known-covert operation
kosher ham

Lace-up loafers
lady-mud wrestler
ladies man
laid-back compulsive
lame skills
lamp shade
land developer
land development
large ant
larger half
last initial
lasting aid
least favorite
legal ethics
legal justice
legally drunk
legitimate conspiracy
legitimate politics
lemon lime
less is more
lesser evil
lesser good
liberal conservative
liberal fundamentalists
light armor Light-Heavyweight
Light traffic
limited immunity
limited incursion
limited lifetime guarantee
Limited Freedom
linear curve
liquid crystal
liquid gas
liquid metal
liquid natural gas
liquid smoke
lite beer
literal interpretation
literary illiterates
little big
little big horn
little bit big
little deceptive
little giant
Live Recording
live television
Living Dead
living end
living fossil
local long distance
local network locks on 7-11 stores which are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
long and short of it
long brief (for lawyers)
Long Island Expressway
long recess
long shorts
long sleeve t-shirt
loose knot
loose tights
loquacious librarian
loss prevention specialist
loud librarian
loud whisper
Loud silence
love-hate relationship
lovers' quarrel
Low Altitude
low insurance rates
low tax
lower inflation
low-fat ice cream
low-intensity conflict
loyal opposition
lucky stiff
lukewarm enthusiasm
luxury beer
luxury bus

To be folytatva mingyá', mosmátarcsatokki!

4 komment

Címkék: humor collocations oxymoron vocab cultural shock crazy words just for fun

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A hozzászólások a vonatkozó jogszabályok  értelmében felhasználói tartalomnak minősülnek, értük a szolgáltatás technikai  üzemeltetője semmilyen felelősséget nem vállal, azokat nem ellenőrzi. Kifogás esetén forduljon a blog szerkesztőjéhez. Részletek a  Felhasználási feltételekben és az adatvédelmi tájékoztatóban.

Franci1969 2010.06.12. 15:42:50

nagyon érdekes lista!
némely esetekben nem értem, miért lett oxymoron-nak nevezve:
pl: light traffic, easy task, airline food?

semiambidextrous · http://whimsicalll.blog.hu/ 2010.06.12. 22:27:34


the word "traffic" originally meant something like coming and going all the time, crowded movements

task - means something demanding, a piece of hard work, duty; bár mostanában már inkább neutral

airline food - isn't really food, although food is food regardless of its origin. :D

Egyébként nagyon pontos észrevételek, nem is vártam volna kevesebbet Tőled. :DDD

Franci1969 2010.06.12. 23:05:18

@semiambidextrous: heh,
úgy érted, ha egy (-két-három) etimológiai és egyéb szótárral felfegyverkezve a még fennmaradó (számomra) kétségeseket átvilágítom, azoknál is ezt tapasztalhatom?

a 'task' számomra tényleg semleges volt, de hát többnyire úgyis csinálnom *kell* vmit...
olykor munkamániás vagyok :))

semiambidextrous · http://whimsicalll.blog.hu/ 2010.06.14. 10:40:10

@Franci1969: Hoffentlich így történne.
De elég az Internetes etimológia-szótár is.
Meg itt ugyebár már lényeg a szőrözés, hiszen az oximoron nagyon gyakran történeti oximoron, ahogy a szavak az évek, évtizedek, stb. során egymás mellé rendeződtek (lásd még kollokációk), de valamelyik tag jelentése bővült, vagy szűkült, és létrejött a történeti oximoron.
Szerintem ezek nagyon szép dolgok, de nem kell minden freak-kel egyetérteni. :DDD
süti beállítások módosítása