Ha éppen olyan korosztályt / magántanulót / stb. tanítunk, aki szívesen olvas (ha már kell) olyat, ami érdekli is, egy ötlet, azonnal feladattá alakítva. Pdf-ben letölthető innen.At Slughorn’s Dumbledore glanced (1) ____ and (2) ____ the street. It seemed…
2010.07.07. 13:42 semiambidextrous
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Címkék: ötlet motivation reading call harry potter prepositions phrasal verbs literature grammar activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics
2010.07.04. 07:47 semiambidextrous
The story of the Sandman_Part 1_The Alphabet of Sleep
Az egyik legnagyobb személyes kedvenc - The Story of the Sandman. A többrészes sorozat részeit a következő hetek folyamán teszem közzé, általában hétvége körül. Az egyes fejezetekből én különféle feladatokat készítettem, melyeket le is lehet tölteni az eredeti pdf…
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Címkék: cartoons idioms grammar activities classroom többfunkciós downloadable exercises the sandman
2010.07.03. 06:07 semiambidextrous
Nem tavaszi (rugó? forrás?) csirke_04
16 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet reading call nature stories cartoons idioms series grammar activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics teaching tricks downloadable exercises the sandman
2010.06.23. 07:09 semiambidextrous
Dear Miss Claire Kiss
Tudom, tudom, ez így nagyon nem fair. De mivel nem is akart az lenni, mégiscsak nézzünk bele. Tehát: ez egy szakma, nem pedig nyelvi készség, ahogy sokan annak állítják be (lásd: kétnyelvű (sic!) vizsgák, érettségi, de általánosan a nyelvórákra is jellemző). De az nem…
7 komment
Címkék: ötlet motivation call nature warm up translation exam activities classroom vocab többfunkciós cultural shock teaching tricks be smart
2010.06.20. 06:02 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_07
Megint szombat, Tedék története tehát folytatódik.
Susan stays up all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her.
Bob: You're up bright and early this morning, Susan.
Susan: I didn't sleep a…
8 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet motivation call idioms phrasal verbs american slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks meaning of just for fun the johnson family
2010.06.13. 06:19 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_06
Folytatódjék a saga. :D
Susan decides to cheer up her husband. Bob loves her homemade cookies. Nicole suggests she start a cookie business.
Susan: Bob, I baked cookies for you.
Bob: That was so nice of you, dear. You've got a heart of gold!
Susan: Go ahead and…
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Címkék: humor reading call collocations idioms american slang activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.06.05. 06:39 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_05
Ted leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted's mother Susan says she doesn't really like Amber. She wishes him a good time anyway.
Ted: See you later, Mom!
Susan: Where are you going, Ted?
Ted: I told Amber I'd drop by.
Susan: What are you two going to…
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Címkék: idioms phrasal verbs american slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.05.31. 06:18 semiambidextrous
We'll flip for it. Ducks or clowns.
10 Gs Can’t Tempt Cabby By AUSTIN PENNERDaily News Staff WriterNEW YORK - A tired cab driver was being called a hero today for his honesty. He returned $10,000 in cash that he found in the back of his taxi. Taxi driver Syed Shah had just pulled into a gas station in New York City at 3…
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Címkék: music reading activities classroom topics teaching tricks downloadable exercises
2010.05.29. 06:04 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_04
Nicole tells her mother Susan about her successful presentation at school. Her brother Ted overhears and interrupts the conversation.
Susan: How was your day at school today, Nicole?
Nicole: It was great, Mom. I gave a presentation on Hillary Clinton in…
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Címkék: motivation call stories idioms phrasal verbs american slang activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics be sophisticated neologisms the johnson family
2010.05.25. 12:34 semiambidextrous
About feelings
A századik poszt: Expressing your feelings Which of your feelings do you let other people know about? Which do you keep to yourself? Sometimes it's a good thing to say what you feel. At other times it's better to keep quiet about your feelings. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what it…