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Friss topikok

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  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
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  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
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  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.06.13. 06:19 semiambidextrous

Speak English like an American_06

Folytatódjék a saga. :D


Susan decides to cheer up her husband. Bob loves her homemade cookies. Nicole suggests she start a cookie business.

Susan: Bob, I baked cookies for you.
Bob: That was so nice of you, dear. You've got a heart of gold!
Susan: Go ahead and pig out!
Bob: These are delicious!
Susan: I thought they might cheer you up. You've been in a bad mood lately.
Bob: I guess I have been a little on edge. But these cookies are just what the doctor ordered!
Nicole: Do I smell cookies?
Susan: Yes, Nicole. Help yourself.
Nicole: Yum-yum.* These are out of this world. You could go into business selling these!
Bob: You could call them Susan's Scrumptious Cookies.
You'd make a bundle.
Susan: Good thinking!
Nicole: Don't forget to give me credit for the idea after you're rich and famous!
Susan: You know I always give credit where credit is due!
* Yum-yum: this is said when something is delicious.


(to) cheer someone up - to make someone happy
EXAMPLE 1: Susan called her friend in the hospital to cheer her up.
EXAMPLE 2: My father has been depressed for weeks now. I don't know what to do to cheer him up.
NOTE: You can tell somebody to "Cheer up!" if they are feeling sad.

(to) give (someone) credit - to acknowledge someone's contribution; to recognize a positive trait in someone
EXAMPLE 1: The scientist gave his assistant credit for the discovery.
EXAMPLE 2: I can't believe you asked your boss for a raise when your company is doing so poorly. I must give you credit for your courage!

(to) give credit where credit is due - to give thanks or acknowledgement to the person who deserves it
EXAMPLE: I will be sure to thank you when I give my speech. I always give credit where credit is due.

(to) go into business - to start a business
EXAMPLE 1: Jeff decided to go into business selling baseball cards.
EXAMPLE 2: Eva went into business selling her homemade muffins.

good thinking - good idea; smart planning
EXAMPLE 1: I'm glad you brought an umbrella — that was good thinking!
EXAMPLE 2: You reserved our movie tickets over the Internet? Good

(to) have a heart of gold - to be very kind and giving
EXAMPLE 1: Alexander has a heart of gold and always thinks of others
before himself.
EXAMPLE 2: You adopted five children from a Romanian orphanage?
You've got a heart of gold!

Help yourself - serve yourself
EXAMPLE 1: "Help yourselves to cookies and coffee," said Maria beforethe meeting started.
EXAMPLE 2: You don't need to wait for me to offer you something. Please just help yourself to whatever you want.
NOTE: Pay attention to the reflexive form: Help yourself in singular, help yourselves in plural.

(to be) in a bad mood - unhappy; depressed; irritable
EXAMPLE 1: After her boyfriend broke up with her, Nicole was in a bad mood for several days.
EXAMPLE 2: I don't like to see you in a bad mood. How can I cheer you up?

just what the doctor ordered - exactly what was needed
EXAMPLE 1: Martin wanted a hot drink after spending the day skiing. A cup of hot cocoa was just what the doctor ordered.
EXAMPLE 2: Our trip to Florida was so relaxing. It was just what the doctor ordered!

(to) make a bundle - to make a lot of money
EXAMPLE 1: Bob's friend Charles made a bundle in the stock market and retired at age 45.
EXAMPLE 2: Sara made a bundle selling her old fur coats on eBay, a website where you can buy and sell used things.

(to be) on edge - nervous; irritable
EXAMPLE 1: Whenever Susan feels on edge, she takes several deep breaths and starts to feel more relaxed.
EXAMPLE 2: Ever since his car accident, Neil has felt on edge.

out of this world - delicious
EXAMPLE 1: Mrs. Field's oatmeal raisin cookies are out of this world!
EXAMPLE 2: Mmmm, I love your chicken soup. It's out of this world!

(to) pig out [slang] - to eat greedily; to stuff oneself
EXAMPLE 1: Ted pigged out on hot dogs and hamburgers at the barbeque and then got a stomachache.
EXAMPLE 2: "Nicole, stop pigging out on cookies or you'll never be able to eat your dinner!"
NOTE: Pay attention to the preposition "on" after the verb "to pig out." One can pig out on hotdogs, pig out on candy, pig out on ice cream.


Choose the best substitute for the phrase or sentence in bold:

1) Thanks for baking cookies for me. You've got a heart of gold.
a) You're a very nice person.
b) You're a reliable person.
c) You're very generous with your money.

2) I baked these cookies for you. Why don't you pig out?
a) Please take just one cookie.
b) Take as many cookies as you like.
c) Why don't you ever eat my cookies?

3) I know you'll like my cookies since you've got a sweet tooth.
a) your teeth are hurting
b) you don't like sweet things
c) you like sweet things

4) You should go into business selling cookies.
a) You should go to the store and buy some cookies.
b) You should try to get a job baking cookies.
c) You should start a company that sells cookies.

5) I baked these cookies. Help yourself!
a) Let me get you one!
b) Take some!
c) You need to get some help!

6) If you went into business selling these delicious cookies, you'd make a bundle.
a) you'd make many cookies
b) you'd make a lot of money
c) you'd make a few dollars

7) Good thinking!
a) That's a good idea!
b) It's good that you're thinking!
c) Keep thinking good thoughts!

8) I was thirsty. This iced tea is just what the doctor ordered.
a) exactly what I needed
b) very healthy for me
c) exactly what my doctor recommended

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: humor reading call collocations idioms american slang activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks be sophisticated the johnson family

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