Oké, persze, ez nagyon nem kedves általános iskola harmadikban, pedig a végén mindig az derül ki, hogy "ha tanítottak volna minket erről, amíg befogadóképes volt az agyunk..."
A feladat vegyes - word formation, phrases, vocabulary, illetve mehet egy szerepjáték a haladóbb kollégákkal az egész alapján. Józsika a defendant, Lacika a judge, Ferike és baráti köre a juries, és így tovább. A feladat ezen kívül gonosz. :D
The National (1) ___________ Branch
“Oyez, oyez, oyez!” cried the court officer. As the students of Mr. Sanchez's class watched, those ancient French words announced the (2) ____________ of a session of the United States Supreme Court.
The first case was announced-U.S. v. Marfik. An attorney stepped to the reading desk that faced the long row of Justices and began to talk about the Marfik case. The lawyer had not gotten far before one Justice leaned forward to ask a question. The question was about a point of law. The Justice did not seem (3) ________________ with the lawyer's response and pressed for more information.
As the exchange continued a uniformed attendant (4) _______________ to Mr. Sanchez. It was time for him and his class to leave so that another group could observe the Supreme Court in action.
Once outside the Court, Brian Fanning wailed, "We didn't even get to stay long enough to find out about the case. Who is Marfik? What did he do?"
"He robbed a gas station," Mr. Sanchez replied. "I know they didn't bring him before the Supreme Court for that," Brian said. "You're right, Brian," Mr. Sanchez said. "Alexander Marfik already was tried and convicted of the (5) _____________. But, he claims that his constitutional rights were (6) ____________ when he was arrested."
"Why?" Brian asked. "Didn't they read him his rights?" "In this case, they did," Mr. Sanchez said. "But, when the police arrested Mr. Marfik as a (7) _____________ in the case, they took his wallet. In it, they found a credit card that had been in the safe at the gas station. The credit card was the main evidence used against Marfik at his trial. Marfik says that this was a case of (8) ______________ search and seizure, since the police had no warrant to search him (9) _______________. He wants a new trial, at which the card can't be mentioned."
"It seems like a lot of fuss over robbing a gas station. Doesn't the Supreme Court have anything more important to do?" Brian asked.
"Since the Constitution is the basis of many of our laws, what could be more important than deciding what it means? After all, that's the job of the Supreme Court-to (10) _______________ the laws of our country. "
1) Judgment
2) Open
3) Satisfaction
4) Sign
5) Rob
6) Violation
7) Suspicion
8) Legalize
9) Person
10) Interpretation
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