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2010.08.17. 06:19 semiambidextrous

Three letters

Usage of due

Az nyilvánvaló, hogy nem lehet ezt az egyszerű alapelvet - miszerint experience paves the way for advancement - minden egyes megtanítandó szóra alkalmazni, de ha jobban megnézzük, nem is kell. A mai óra anyaga tehát tulajdonképpen három betű...

[not before noun] expected to happen or arrive at a particular time,
due to do something
• The team are due to fly to Italy next month. His new book is due to be published next year.
due in/on/at
• She's pregnant and the baby's due in April.
• The final results of the experiment are due on December 9.
• I'm due at his office at 4.30.
due for
• The car is due for its annual service again.
due back
• When are the library books due back?

owed to someone either as a debt or because they have a right to it
• Any money due you will be sent by check through the post.
due to
• Thanks are due to all those who took part.

if an amount of money is due, it must be paid at a particular time
• The next income tax payment is due on 31 January.

4 in due course
at some time in the future when it is the right time, but not before
• Further details will be announced in due course.

[only before noun] formal proper or suitable
• He was banned for six months for driving without due care and attention.
due regard/consideration
• We want the best for each individual child with due regard for the interests of the other children.

6 with (all) due respect
spoken used when you disagree with someone or criticize them in a polite way
• Dad, with all due respect, was not a very good husband.

Dictionary phrases:

• due back
• due for
• due in/on/at
• due regard/consideration
• due to
• due to do sth
• in due course
• with (all) due respect
• Phrases from other entries:
• are due in large measure to- see measure, n
• be past due- see past, prep
• by/due to popular demand- see demand, n
• due date- see due date, n
• due in part to- see due to_prep
• due largely to- see due to_prep
• due north/south/east/west- see due, adv
• due process- see due process, n
• due to the fact (that)/owing to the fact (that)- see fact, n
• due/serious/proper etc consideration- see consideration, n
• dues- see due, n
• partly due to- see partly, adv
• pay ... dues- see due, n
• to give ... due- see due, n
• with (the greatest) respect/with (all) due respect- see respect, n
• your due- see due, n

Words used with due

• for
• on
• to

• back
• care
• consideration
• course
• diligence
• process
• regard
• respect
• time

• also
• largely
• partly

Extra dictionary examples:

1) I was assured that any money due me would be sent immediately.
2) Million dollar interest payments will be due in two years.
3) She should be given the respect due a great educator.
4) The computer printout shows the name and address of the buyer, the quantity ordered and the amount due.
5) Sentences from books, newspapers, etc.
6) If he is competent, he knows the law, knows what he must do, and what is due him.
7) In due course, it was time.
8) On 10 October due to strong wind, four bamboos dropped off lowest layer of raft.
9) Some 250 schools operate in 21 states with 100 more schools due to get under way in the coming year, Clinton said.
10) The hearing was due to begin at Quezon City regional court on Dec. 9.
11) Undoubtedly, due to measures introduced in the late 1980s, it is much safer than before.


1 your due

Your due is what you deserve, or something it is your right to have

He accepted all the praise he received as his due. Freddy, to give him his due (=to be fair to him), always tried to be honest.

2 Dues [plural]
regular payments you make to an organization of which you are a member, synonym fees

Robert failed to pay his dues last year.

Dictionary phrases:
• dues
• pay ... dues
• to give ... due
• your due
• Phrases from other entries:
• are due in large measure to- see measure, n
• be past due- see past_prep
• by/due to popular demand- see demand, n
• due back- see due, adj
• due date- see due date, n
• due for- see due, adj
• due in part to- see due to_prep
• due in/on/at- see due, adj
• due largely to- see due to_prep
• due north/south/east/west- see due, adv
• due process- see due process, n
• due regard/consideration- see due, adj
• due to- see due, adj
• due to do sth- see due, adj
• due to the fact (that)/owing to the fact (that)- see fact, n
• due/serious/proper etc consideration- see consideration, n
• in due course- see due, adj
• partly due to- see partly, adv
• with (all) due respect- see due, adj
• with (the greatest) respect/with (all) due respect- see respect, n

Words used with due

• feudal

• Pay

Sentences from books, newspapers, etc.

At first I thought they were upset about the dues, which had been doubled.
Most of the income comes from membership dues and from sales.
Surely, if she was the caring person she makes out, she would insist on paying her dues.

Due north/south/east/west
Directly to the north, south, east, or west
Sentences from books, newspapers, etc.

Beehive, another sulfide edifice, is a five-minute submersible ride due west of Moose.

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: motivation prepositions idioms phrasal verbs grammar activities classroom vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be sophisticated word usage

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