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Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.06.08. 07:30 semiambidextrous

The house was built on radioactive waste

Meaning of some ancient American Indian tribal names, just in case (a képrejtvényt megfejtők között 3 db széles vigyort sorsolunk ki):

A'ani': white clay people
Abnaki: those living at the sunrise (easterners)
Achomawi: river, people that live at the river
Acolapissa: those who listen and see
Acoma: people by the white rock
Agaidika (Paiute): trout (or salmon) eaters - also spelled Agai-Dicutta
Ahousaht: facing opposite from the ocean, people living with their backs to the land and mountains
Ahtena: ice people
Aitchelitz: bottom
Akansea: land of the downriver people
Akun'kunik': people of the place of the flying head
Akwesasne: land where the partridge drums
Alabama: I clear the thicket
Apache: enemy (Zuni word)
Apalachicola: people of the other side
Apalachee: people of the other side
Apsaalookee: children of the large-beaked bird
Apwaruge: juniper tree people
Aqam: people of the dense forest or brush
Arikara: horns or elk people, or corn eaters; people of the flowing hair
Arosaguntacook: rocky flats river people
Asiniskawiyiniwak: people in the place of lots of rocks
Assiniboin: ones who cook using stones (Ojibwa word)
Atakapa: man eater
Atsina: white clay people
Atsuge: pine tree people
Atsugewi: hat creek indians
Attawandaron: different language people
Avoyel: people of the rocks
Bayogoula: people of the bayou
Bedonkohe (Apache): in front at the end people
Bellabella: milbank
Bidai: brushwood (Caddo word)
Binigulaza: people of the clouds
Brule: burned thighs
Caddo: true chiefs
Cahuilla: leader, master, powerful nation (all questionable)
Calusa: fierce people
Canim: canoe, broken rock
Catawba: river people
Cayuga: place where boats were taken out, place locusts were taken out, people at the mucky land
Cayuse: people of the stones or rocks (French-Canadian word)
Chakchiuma: red crawfish people
Cheam: wild strawberry place, the place to always get strawberries
Chehalis: sand, beating Heart
Chelan: deep water
Chemehuevi: those that play with fish (Mojave word)
Cherokee: cave people (Choctaw word), people of different speech (Creek word)
Cheslatta: top of a small mountain, small rock mountain at the east side
Chetco: close to the mouth of the stream
Cheyenne: red talkers (Dakota word), little Cree (Lakota word)
Chickahominy: coarse-pounded corn people, hominy people
Chickasaw: people from Chicsa, rebels
Chihene (Apache): red paint people
Chilcotin: young man river
Chipewyan: pointed skins (Cree word)
Chitimacha: men altogether red, they have cooking vessels
Chokonen (Apache): rising sun people
Chontal: stranger (Nahuatl word)
Choula: fox
Chowanoc: people at the south
Chumash: people who make the shell bead money
Clallam: strong people
Clatsop: dried salmon
Clayoquot: people of other tribes
Cochiti: stone kiva
Cocopah: river people
Coeur d’Alene: those who are found here or heart of an awl (French words)
Comanche: anyone who wants to fight me all the time (Ute word)
Comox: place of abundance
Conestoga: place of the immersed pole
Cowichan: warm country, land warmed by the sun
Crow: crow, sparrowhawk, bird people, people of the large-beaked bird
Cuiui Ticutta: cui ui eaters
Dakelh: people who travel by water
Dakota: allie
Detsanayuka: bad campers or bad movers
Ehdiitat Gwich'in: people who live among timber or spruce
Erie: long tail or cat people (Iroquois word)
Eskimo: eaters of raw meat (Algonquin or Cree word)
Esquimalt: the place of gradually shoaling water
Fox: red earth people
Gingolx: the place of the skulls
Gitanmaax: people who fish with burning torches
Gitwangak: place of Rabbits
Gitxsan: people of the River of Mist
Gwich'in: people who live at a certain place
Gros Ventre: big bellies, one who cooks with a stone, he cooks by roasting (see Atsina)
Hach winik: true people
Hagwilget: gentle or quiet people
Haisla: living at the river mouth or down river
Han: those who live along the river
Haudenosaunee: people of the long house, people of the extended lodge
Havasupai: people of the blue green water
Heiltsuk: to speak or act correctly
Hesquiaht: people of the sound made by eating herring eggs off eel grass
Hia C-ed O'odham: sand dune people
Hidatsa: willow (speculation)
Hiute: bowmen
Ho-Chunk: fish eaters, people of the big voice, People of the Sacred Language
Hohokam: those who have gone
Honniasont: wearing something around the neck
Hopi: peaceful ones, people who live in a peaceful way
Houma: red
Hualapai: people of the tall pines
Huchnom: mountain people
Huichol: healers
Hul'qumi'num: those who speak the same language
Hunkpapa: campers at the opening of the circle
Hupa: trinity river
Huron: ruffian (French word)
Hwal'bay (Hualapai): people of the tall pines
Ihanktonwan: dwellers at the end
Ihanktonwana: little dwellers at the end
Illinois: those who speak in the regular way
Iowa: sleepy ones (Dakota word)
Iroquois: real adders (Algonquain word) or we of the extended lodge
Isleta: kick flint place
Jatibonicu: people of the great sacred high waters
Jatibonuco: great people of the sacred high waters
Jemez: pueblo in the canada
Jicaque: ancient person (Nahuatl word)
Jicarilla: little basket weaver (Spanish word)
Kainai: many chiefs
Kamloops: the meeting of the waters
Kammedeka: jackrabbit eaters
Kan-hatki: white earth
Kanienkahaka: people of the place of flint
Kanza: people of the south wind
Karankawa: dog lovers
Karok: upstream
Kaskaskia: he scrapes it off by means of a tool
Kato: lake
Kawchottine: people of the great hares
Ketsei: going in wet sand
Kickapoo: he stands about, wanderer
Kiowa: principal people, pulling out, coming out, people of the large tent flaps
Kispiox: people of the hiding place
Kitamaat: people of the falling snow
Kitkatla: people of the salt, village by the sea
Kitselas: people of the canyon
Kitsumkalum: people of the plateau
Klallam: strong people
Klamath: people of the lake
Klickitat: beyond (Chinook word)
Kluskus: place of small whitefish
Koop Ticutta: ground- squirrel eaters
Kotsoteka: buffalo eaters
Kutcha-kutchin: those who live on the flats
Kuupangaxwichem people who slept here
Kuyuidokado: cui-ui eaters
Kwalhioqua: lonely place in the woods (Chinook word)
Kwayhquitlum: stinking fish slime
Kwuda: people coming out
Laguna: pueblo by the lake
Lakota: friend or ally (same with Dakota and Nakota)
Latgawa: those living in the uplands
Lenni Lenape: genuine men
Lheidli T'enneh: people of the confluence of the two rivers
Lillooet: wild onion
Loucheux: people with slanted or crossed eyes
Machapunga: bad dust
Mahican: wolf (incorrect translation per the Mohican Nation, Stockbridge-Munsee Band)
Makah: cape people or people who live by the rocks and seagulls
Malahat: infested with caterpillars, place where one gets bait
Maliseet: broken talkers
Mannahocks: very, merry people
Maricopa: people who live toward the water
Mascouten: little prairie people
Massachuset: at the hills, people who live near the great hill
Matsqui: easy portage, easy travelling
Mayaimis: big water
Mdewankantonwan: dwellers of the spirit lake
Meherrin: muddy water people
Menominee: wild rice men
Meskwahkihaki (Fox): red earth people
Metlakatla: a passage connecting two bodies of salt water
Miami: people on the peninsula, cry of the crane
Michigamea: great water
Mimbres (Apache): willow (Spanish word)
Miniconjou: planters by water
Minnetaree: they crossed the water
Minqua: stealthy
Missiquoi: place of flint
Mississauga: great river mouth
Missouri: great muddy, people with wooden canoes
Moapa: mosquito creek people
Moatokni: southerners
Modoc: southerners
Mohave: three mountains, people of the water/river
Mohawk: the possessors of the flint, fire-striking people; coward or man eater (Abenaki words)
Mohegan: wolf
Mohican: the people of the waters that are never still
Monacans: people who dig in rocks
Moneton: big water people
Mowachaht: people of the deer
Munsee: at the place where the stones are gathered together
Musqueam: place always to get iris plant root
Nahane: people of the west
Nak'azdli: when arrows were flying
Nambé: mound of earth in the corner
Narragansett: people of the small point
Nanticoke: people of the tidewaters
Nanoose: to push forward
Natsit-kutchin: those who live off the flats
Navajo: cultivated field in an arroyo (Tewa word)
Nehalem: where the people live
Nicomen: level part
Niantic: people of the long neck or peninsula
Nihtat Gwich'in: people living together as a mixture
Nipmuck: freshwater fishing place or small pond, people of the fresh water
Niuko'nska: people of the middle water
Nokoni: those who turn back
Nooksack: mountain men
Nootka: along the coast, along the mountains
Norridgewock: people of the still waters between rapids
Nusabi: people of the clouds
Nuu-chah-nulth: arc of mountains rising out of the sea
Oglala: scatters their own
Ojibwa: to roast till puckered up. those who stammer
Okanagan: head, top of head
Okelousa: blackwater
Okmulgee: where water boils up
Omaha: upstream people or people going against the current
Oneida: a boulder standing up, people of the standing stone
Onondaga: people on top of the hills
Opata: hostile people (Pima word)
Ottawa: to trade
Otto: lechers
Oweekeno: those who carry on the back, people talking right
Pahodja: dusty nones
Pakiutlema: people of the gap
Pamunkey: rising upland
Pan'akwati: across the water
Pantch-pinunkansh: men altogether red
Papagos: desert people, bean people
Pascagoula: bread people
Passamaquoddy: plenty of pollock
Paugusset: where the narrows open out
Pawnee: horn people, men of men, look like wolves
Payomkowishum: people of the west
Pechanga: place where the water drips
Penateka: honey eaters
Pend d'Oreilles: hangs from the ear
Penelakut: something buried
Pennacook: down hill
Penobscot: it forks on the white rocks or the descending ledge place, at the stone place
Pensacola: hair people
Penticton: permanent place, always place
People of the lakes: tribes near the great lakes
Peoria: carrying a pack on his back
Pequot: fox people or destroyers or the shallowness of a body of water
Piankeshaw: torn-ear people
Picuris: mountain warrior people
Piegan: scabby robes
Piikani: poor robe
Pilthlako: big swamp
Pima: river people
Podunk: where you sink in the bog
Pojoaque: drinking place
Potawatomi: people of the place of the fire, keepers of the fire, (fire nation, fire people)
Powhatan: falls in a current of water
Pshwanwapam: stony ground
Puyallup: shadow
Qawishwallanavetum: people that live among the rocks
Quahadi: antelope
Qualicum: where the dog salmon run
Quapaw: downstream people
Quatsino: downstream people
Quechan: those who descended
Quinnipiac: Eansketambawg
Qwulhhwaipum: prairie people
Raramuri: foot runner
Sac: people of the yellow earth or people of the outlet
Sakawiyiniwak: people of the bush
Salish: flatheads
Sammamish: willow people, people of the meander
San Felipe: sticky earth place
San Ildefonso: where the water cuts down through
San Juan: strong people
Sandia: dusty place
Sans Arc: without bows
Santa Ana: dancing place
Santa Clara: valley of the rose water
Schaghticoke: at the river forks
Schitsu'umsh: the ones that were found here
Sdukalbixw: strong people of status
Sekani: dwellers on the rocks
Semiahmoo: half moon
Seminole: separatist or breakaway,peninsula people
Seneca: place of stone, people of the standing rock, great hill people
Shawnee: south or southerners
Sicangu: burned thighs
Sihasapa Sioux: blackfeet
Siksika: blackfeet
Sioux: snake (French version of other tribe's name)
Sisitonwan: dwellers of the fish ground
Siska: uncle, lots of cracks in the rocks
Skidegate: red paint stone
Skokomish: river people, strong people
Skookumchuck: strong water
Snuneymuxw: people of many names
Spallumcheen: flat along edge
Spokane: sun people or children of the sun (generally accepted)
Spuzzum: little flat
Sts'Ailes: the beating Heart
Suisun: people of the west wind
Sumas: big flat opening
Susquehannock: people of the muddy river
Tagish: fish trap or spring ice is breaking up
Tahltan: something heavy in the water
Taino: we the good people
Takelma: those living along the river
Tamarois: out tail
Tanima: liver eaters
Tangipahoa: corn gatherers
Tantawats: southern men
Taos: our village
Tarahumara: foot runner
Tataviam: people facing the sun
Tatsanottine: people of the copper water
Tawakoni: river bend among red hills
Teetl'it Gwich'in: people who live at the head of the waters
Tejas: friendly
Tenawa: down stream
Tennuth-ketchin: middle people
Tesuque Pueblo: cottonwood tree place
Teton: dwellers of the prairie
Tewa: moccasins
Thlingchadinne: dog-flank people
Timbisha: facepaint from the red rock
Titonwan: dwellers of the plains
Tl'azt'en: people by the edge of the bay
Toi Ticutta: cattail eaters or tule eaters
Toltec: master builders (Nahuatl word)
Tonawanda: confluent stream
Tongva: people of the earth
Tonkawa: they all stay together, most human of people, people of the wolf
Toquaht: people of the narrow place in front, people of the narrow channel
Tsa-mee-nis: bitten breast
Tsattine: lives among the beavers
Tsawout: houses raised up
Tsawwassen: beach at the mouth, facing the sea
Tsay Keh Dene: people of the mountains
Tsetsaut: people of the interior (Niska word)
Tseycum: clay people
Tsimshian: inside the Skeena River
Tsleil-Waututh: people of the inlet
Tsoyaha: children of the sun
Tubatulabal: pinenut eaters (Shoshone word)
Tukudika: sheep eater
Tunxis: where the river bends
Tuscarora: hemp gatherers, the shirt wearing people
Two Kettle: two boilings
Uchuckledaht: there inside the bay
Ukomno'm: valley people
Ulkatcho: good feeding place where animals get fat
Unalachtgo: tidewater people
Ute: land of the sun
Viniintaii Gwich'in: people who live on or by the caribou trail
Vuntut Gwitch’in: dwellers among the lakes
Vvunta-ketchin: those who live among the lakes
Wahpekute: shooters amoung the leaves
Wahpetonwan: dwellers amoung the leaves
Wailaki: north language (Wintun word)
Wakokai: blue heron breeding place
Walapai: pine tree people
Wallawalla: little river, many rivers
Wampanoag: eastern people, people of the first light
Wappinger: opossum people
Wappo: brave
Waptailmin: people of the narrow river
Wasco: cup, small horn bowl, those who have the cup
Wea: the forest people, light skinned ones, people who live near the river eddy, people of the whirlpool
Wendat: peninsula people
Whel mux: people of spirit, people of breath
Wichita: raccoon-eyed people, big arbor (Choctaw word)
Winnebago: filthy water people
Wiwohka: roaring water
Wolastoqiyik: people of the bright river
Wyandot: people of the peninsula, islanders
Yahandeka: groundhog eaters
Yakama: runaway
Yamparika: rooteaters or yapeaters
Yaqan nukiy: the people where the rock is standing
Yavapai: people of the sun, crooked mouth people
Yoncalla: those living at ayankeld
Yuchi: situated yonder
Yuhavitam: people of the pines
Yuki: stranger or enemy (Wintun word)
Yurok: downstream (Karok word)
Zia: scattered hills place
Zuni: rock slide pueblo

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