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Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.05.07. 11:47 semiambidextrous

Speaking topics_Final batch

 Minden jónak vége egyszer... :D

501) What would it take to make you give up TV? Explain.
502) The effects of deforestation on the animal kingdom. A real problem?
503) Are you honest in your dealings with your fellowmen?
504) What do you think is lost in the process of growing up? Discuss.
505) If you could reclaim an item, attitude, or feeling from your childhood, what would it be? Explain.
506) Imagine that you are a creature from outer space and have been sent by your leader to observe life on earth and report your findings. What will you tell your fellow creatures who are planning to visit?
507) If you could be a fictional character who could walk off the page of a book, what character would you become and what would you do? Explain.
508) In what circumstances, if any, should it be legal for people to assist their loved ones in suicide? Discuss.
509) What are some major changes you expect to see in America during the early part of the twenty-first century?
510) Murphy's Law states that anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Describe a real or imagined day in your life to demonstrate the truth of Murphy's Law.
511) Discuss one of your short-term goals and one of your long-term goals.
512) Describe a time when you were surprised by the behavior of a group or a person you thought you knew well. Explain the effects on you.
513) What advice would you give to your former high school teachers about preparing students for college? Explain.
514) Some sociologists argue that if we look carefully at shopping malls, we will see in them many clues to our current values and attitudes. Discuss.
515) Optimists are people who always expect the best; pessimists always expect the worst. Which kind of person is it better to be? Explain.
516) If it were possible to be reincarnated, would you want to come back as a person of the other sex? Discuss.
517) What are the advantages and disadvantages of HOPE scholarships?
518) In what situations can laughter be especially helpful? Why?
519) What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Georgia lottery?
520) What are the main reasons people go to college?
521) If you could design a new course for high school students, what would it be? Why would students need or want to take it?
522) Explain what it means to be an honorable person.
523) What measures would you suggest to counteract prejudice? Explain.
524) Which person in the public eye do you admire the most? Why?
525) Many colleges do not allow alcoholic beverages to be served or consumed on campus, not even in restaurants or faculty clubs. Do you agree or disagree with this rule?
526) Would you rather live in a city and visit less populated areas for vacations, or live in the country and go to the city for visits or vacations? Why?
527) Discuss how life can be made easier for the elderly.
528) What are the best ways to deal with telephone solicitors? Discuss.
529) Discuss some of the major pressures faced by teenagers.
530) How useful is the movie rating system? Explain.
531) How does the news coverage of public election campaigns influence voters? Discuss.
532) Should grandparents be awarded visitation rights in a divorce decree? Why or why not?
533) What should be done with "deadbeat parents" who refuse to pay child support?
534) Should all public employees and elected public officials be subject to drug testing? Why or why not?
535) Has the time come for the United States to abandon the two-party political system? Why or why not?
536) What responsibilities do members of the media have as the primary shapers of public opinion? Explain.
537) How should the United States protect itself from terrorist attacks? Discuss.
538) What are the best ways for step-parents to deal with the special problems they face? Explain.
539) In recent years Americans have expanded their fascination with sports to include such activities as gymnastics and soccer. What do you think are the reasons for this interest in a greater variety of sports?
540) Explain why you do or do not like to gamble.
541) Should the legal driving age be raised to eighteen? Why or why not?
542) Will computers ever completely replace books? Discuss.
543) Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of shopping by TV.
544) Do you plan to go on to graduate or professional school? Why or why not?
545) Is there a member of your family whom you wish you were not related to? Discuss.
546) Pick one type of music that is currently very popular and explain why it is popular.
547) Should doctors be required to inform a patient when he or she probably has a short time to live?
548) Would you rather take one longer vacation during the year or several shorter ones? Discuss.
549) Has the TV remote control device been a blessing or a curse? Discuss.
550) If you were going to a foreign country, would you rather go with a tour group or on your own? Explain.
551) Do you enjoy shopping? Why or why not?
552) Failure can often teach more than success can. Has failure ever taught you a valuable lesson? Discuss.
553) Discuss one aspect of your life in which you have settled for less than you had once wanted.
554) How has your birth order (eldest, middle, youngest, or only child) affected your personality development? Discuss.
555) What specific things might one do to enrich personal relationships (parent-child, husband-wife, friends) despite a busy schedule? Discuss.
556) Many political commentators are now questioning whether debates between political candidates are worthwhile. What do you think? Why?
557) In this age of mass-produced goods, why do people still enjoy going to craft fairs and purchasing handmade items? Discuss.
558) How do you interact with your fellow students in college differently from the way you interacted with your fellow students in high school? Explain.
559) If you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, whom would you question, and what would you ask? Explain.
560) How would your life be different if computers did not exist? Discuss.
561) Can computers and the personal information stored in them jeopardize our right to privacy? Discuss.
562) If your town received a gift of several million dollars, how would you recommend the money be spent? Discuss.
563) Is space exploration worth the risks and the costs? Explain.
564) How can learning a foreign language prove helpful to you? Discuss.
565) What of lasting importance did you learn during your teenage years? Discuss.
566) Other than preparation for a job, what is the value of a college education? Discuss.
567) Discuss ways in which one person's actions can help to improve the world.
568) Argue for or against the view that people of your generation are selfish and concerned only with money and comfort.
569) Many people take pride in their family history. To what extent is ancestry important in your family, and how does your family react to its past? Discuss.
570) What sort of problems could be caused by advertisements that make exaggerated or false statements? Discuss.
571) Have you ever witnessed a special place being ruined by pollution, whether by a company or by individuals? Discuss that example in an argument against that form of pollution.
572) The value of an American high school education has become a controversial issue. Do you see your own high school education as worthwhile? Why or why not?
573) Are there situations in which lying is appropriate? Discuss.
574) Should content on the Internet be regulated? Why or why not?
575) Should society restrict some forms of expression in order to protect children, women, etc. from sex, violence, and hate? Discuss.
576) Should Georgia's legalized gambling system be expanded to include other types of gaming such as dog racing, horse racing, or casino betting? Why or why not?
577) Beyond human injury and death, what have been the effects of the major airplane crashes of recent years? Explain.
578) Entertainers referred to as "stand-up comics" continue to be popular. Why?
579) Have Americans lost their appreciation of nature? Discuss.
580) Many people consider the Social Security system necessary for the economic well-being of the United States, yet this system may be headed for bankruptcy. What sacrifices should people (whether young or old) be willing to make to assure that the system continues? Explain.
581) Should two years of tuition-free education after high school graduation be guaranteed for all qualified citizens? Discuss.
582) Should every college include a community service component as part of its graduation requirements? Discuss.
583) Should a course in ethics be a mandatory part of all college curricula? Why or why not?
584) What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of genetic testing of human beings? Discuss.
585) At what major historical event would you like to have been present? Why?
586) Discuss the advantages or disadvantages of marrying someone significantly older or younger than yourself.
587) Discuss the effects in society of the increasing number of women in the workforce.
588) What is the difference between courage and recklessness? Discuss.
589) What is the difference between love and infatuation? Discuss.
590) Discuss the following quotation based on your experience and/or observation, "We would be ashamed of our finest acts if the world were aware of the motives behind them." -- Rochefoucault.
591) What are some of the best techniques people use to deal with loneliness and isolation? Discuss.
592) Have you ever had a boss you particularly admired or one you particularly disliked? Discuss.
593) What subjects do you (or did you) especially enjoy (or avoid) discussing with your family? Explain.
594) Has your greatest challenge in college been personal or academic? Explain.

595) Should the purchase and ownership of firearms be limited by law? Discuss.
596) Should all college students be required to buy or rent a computer? Why or why not?
597) Is the American lifestyle bad for the environment? Discuss.
598) Should high schools provide day-care services for teenage parents? Why or why not.
599) Does the press have too much influence in judging criminal suspects before they are actually convicted of a crime? Explain.
600) Are there any circumstances in which an individual should be required to take an AIDS test and disclose his or her HIV status? Discuss.
601) Is language use -- how a person writes or speaks -- an appropriate means of judging a person for employment purposes? Discuss.
602) Should anything be "private" about the life of a public official? Discuss.
603) Do Americans expect political candidates to have to compromise their ethical standards in order to win an election to public office? Discuss.
604) Should beauty pageants for children be banned? Discuss.
605) Are the effects of progress always humane? Discuss.
606) Many educators are now looking to computers as the key to improving education. Are there limits to what computers can do to teach our children? Discuss.
607) What stereotypes of the South get an immediate favorable or unfavorable reaction from you? Discuss.
608) Should schoolchildren who are learning English as a second language have their other classes in their native language? Discuss.
609) If you wrote a book about your life, would it be a comedy, a tragedy, or a combination of the two? Discuss.
610) Finish the sentence: “If I won the lottery, I _______________”
611) Do schools focus enough on educating students in non-academic areas? Discuss.
612) Do you think the world will become more peaceful in the next 10 years? Discuss.
613) Should immigrants from other countries focus on trying to blend into the American culture or should they try to maintain much of their original culture? Discuss.
614) Should government fund efforts to change people's habits if those habits are legal but clearly unhealthy? Discuss.
615) To what degree should parents influence their teenagers' choices of dates and friends? Discuss.
616) How are you different from your best friend? Discuss.
617) What are the best ways to meet new friends? Discuss.
618) How have your relationships with the people significant in your life changed since you started college? Discuss.
619) Are you motivated more by external rewards (such as money or grades) or internal rewards (such as self-esteem or integrity)? Discuss.
620) Justice is said to be blind. Is justice in our courtrooms blind to economic status? Discuss.
621) What do you think motivates people to offer assistance to others through volunteer work? Discuss.
622) Discuss why you agree or disagree with the following: "Historically, most good leaders have not been people of good character."
623) What would be the advantages of requiring police officers to have college degrees? Discuss.
624) What types of assistance should public schools be required to provide for non-English speaking students? Discuss.
625) What are the positive and/or negative effects of teenagers and young adults "surfing the net?" Discuss.
626) The Georgia legislature has restricted the privileges of teenage drivers. Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of these restrictions.
627) Is it important for you to "make a difference"? If so, in response to what issues? Discuss.
628) What is good about American schools? Discuss.
629) What qualities of character does it take to be a survivor? Discuss.
630) Does a "double standard" still exist between the sexes? Discuss.
631) Do celebrities have a responsibility to the public to act as good role models? Discuss.
632) Should foreign diplomats have diplomatic immunity? Discuss.
633) What kinds of courses might be most useful for students planning to run their own businesses? Discuss.
634) Should convicted lawbreakers be required to serve their full sentences without parole? Discuss.
635) What factors make a job or career satisfying? Discuss.
636) Suppose you were asked to teach a subject, sport, or activity of your choice. What would you teach and to whom would you teach it? Discuss.
637) Should the United States Constitution be amended to allow "single-sex" public colleges and universities? Discuss.
638) If you had to live life as an animal, which animal would you prefer to be and why?
639) What are the most appropriate ways for people to show anger? Explain.
640) Should cigarettes be made illegal? Why or why not?
641) Describe the way a television show presents a particular occupation and discuss the accuracy of the portrayal.
642) Explain how a television show, movie, commercial or popular song stereotypes a group of people.
643) What do sports reveal about American culture? Discuss.
644) Certification or knowledge? Discuss.
645) Explain why people sometimes continue to do things that are harmful to them.
646) How is fear of crime affecting America? Explain.
647) Should preserving endangered species take priority over jobs, development, and property rights? Why or why not?
648) Have your family's expectations of you been a help or a hindrance? Explain. 
Remélem, élveztétek! Köszönöm a az ötleteket és javaslatokat, hozzászólásokat! Akinek pedig még ezek után is azon kell filóznia, hogy jaj, mi legyen a bevezető speaking téma a következő magántanítványommal, arról hivatalosan is levettem a kezem.  :D

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