
Beszélsz nyelveken? Vajon kinek mi a titka? Kidobott a porosz oktatási rendszer az utcára, és már ment is folyékonyan? Gondolatok, ötletek, építő javaslatok és inspiráló meglátások fogják hatékonyabbá tenni a tanítást, mert mindig, mindenhol tanárok, és egyúttal tanulók is vagyunk. A blog célja a whimsical, unorthodox és egyéb finnugor jelzőkkel megbélyegezhető módszerek, vagy nem módszerek, ötletek és sikersztorik gyűjtőhelyének lenni a második (harmadik, nx) nyelv elsajátítására vonatkozóan. Ha van olyan ötleted, módszered, ami NÁLAD működött, oszd meg velünk, hátha valaki magára ismer, alkalmazza, és megtanul még jobban tanulni, vagy tanítani. Ha mégsem, akkor is legalább elmélyítettük azt a tudást, miszerint a tanulás és tanítás személyes dolog, nem sablonok halmaza. Ide írhatsz: semiambidextrous@gmail.com

Ha valóban ki akarod használni a lehetőségeket, tanulj amerikai tanároktól teljesen INGYEN. Itt megtalálhatod a lakóhelyedhez legközelebbi ilyen lehetőséget: Ingyenes angol

Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.03.24. 11:00 semiambidextrous

Keep talking... 201-300

Mivel úgy látszik, még mindig szenved a tisztel társaság azt illetően, hogy M. Sándorka zsengekorú tanuló vajha miféle körmönfont módon is volna reábírható egy kis csevejre L2 témakörben, folyatódjék a saga, mert a rendelkezésre álló ötlettár nagy, Sándorka viszont kicsit feszült...

Azért csak keep it up!


201) Name your favorite game or sport and explain why you find it enjoyable.
202) What should a college athlete consider in deciding whether to turn professional or to remain in college?
203) Athletic programs at some colleges are big business. Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of this situation.
204) Discuss how student evaluations of faculty could be used by administrators, faculty, and/or students.
205) Partners in marriage often write their own detailed marriage contracts, covering such matters as the number of children they wish to have and the management of money. Would you write such a contract? Explain why or why not.
206) In the development of a national budget, which should be more important -- fighting poverty at home or arming to fight an aggressor? Explain.
207) Should all students be required to take a course in computer science some time during their education? Explain why or why not.
208) Which of the four seasons of the year appeals to you the most? Why?
209) Some high school and college students commit suicide. Discuss reasons why.
210) What is the best advice you ever got? Explain.
211) Discuss why people are fascinated by amusement parks such as Disney World and Six Flags.
212) Explain why you do or do not hunt.
213) Discuss some of the roles a college student plays.
214) How effective is television in disseminating news? Explain.
215) What steps would you recommend be taken to make health care in America more available to everyone? Explain.
216) Is it better to know a little about many subjects than to know a lot about one subject? Discuss.
217) Should an introduction to art, music, and drama be a part of every college student's education? Explain why or why not.
218) Do you believe young college students should postpone marrying until they graduate? Why or why not?
219) Should first-aid courses such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be a required part of the college's curriculum? Discuss why or why not.
220) How do you expect your college education to change the rest of your life? Discuss.
221) Should every college student take a course in public speaking? Discuss.
222) What are some possible reasons for the decline in the reading skills of high school students? Discuss.
223) What could be done to make students more interested in learning about science? Discuss.
224) Should the law require automobile drivers and passengers to use safety belts? Discuss.
225) Discuss some of the appeals used in automobile advertisements.
226) What steps should be taken to reduce the number of drunk drivers? Discuss.
227) Is increased life expectancy a blessing or a curse? Discuss.
228) Every applicant for a Georgia driver's license must choose whether to be an organ donor. Would you choose to be a donor? Explain why or why not.
229) Should the United States offer foreign aid only to those nations which support our policies? Discuss.
230) What is your favorite piece of furniture? Explain.
231) Though a favorite sport of many, boxing is a dangerous sport that leaves many boxers suffering from eye and/or brain damage. Should the sport of boxing be outlawed?
232) Why do people still go to movie theaters despite the availability of television movies and video cassettes? Discuss.
233) If you were forced to live without television, how would you spend the time you normally spend watching TV? Discuss.
234) How have your eating habits changed since you've been in college? Discuss.
235) Do you think of yourself as a "goal-oriented" person? Explain.
236) Does a person have to be wealthy and powerful in order to be considered successful? Discuss.
237) If you had the power to do one thing to improve the world, what would you do? Discuss.
238) What do you think are the best methods of disciplining children? Explain.
239) If you could have a household robot, for what jobs would you want it programmed? Discuss.
240) Is it the responsibility of the United States to share its food supplies with the hungry people of the world? Explain.
241) What is the value of foreign travel? Discuss.
242) The United States has never had a female president. To what do you attribute this? Discuss.
243) What is the difference between "good" and "bad" stress? Explain.
244) If you could choose any culture or society, which one would you choose to live in? Discuss.
245) Why have the Southern states been gaining population in the last two decades? Discuss.
246) Discuss some of the advantages and/or disadvantages of having three or more generations of a family living together under the same roof.
247) Why do people play practical jokes? Explain.
248) If you were alone for a week, what books (or music) would you select to read (or listen to)? Discuss.
249) Should teachers be required to pass competency tests? Discuss.
250) What type of music do you prefer? Why?
251) Why is college football so popular? Discuss.
252) Which of your talents do you value most? Why?
253) Do you feel that teachers show favoritism among students? Discuss.
254) Should the school year be extended to include longer hours and more days required to obtain a high school diploma? Discuss.
255) If you were among the first colonizers of a new planet in the twenty-first century, what would you not want your fellow colonists to transport from the planet Earth? Explain.
256) Americans generally condemn daydreaming as a waste of time. Do you agree with this view, or do you see some benefits of daydreaming? Discuss.
257) When you are approached for a charitable contribution, do you generally contribute? Why or why not?
258) Publishers report that horoscope columns are among the most widely read features in newspapers. Do you check your astrological forecast from time to time? Why or why not?
259) The evidence shows that for many reasons the family-owned and family-run small farm is a vanishing American institution. Should this situation cause concern in American society? Why or why not?
260) Do you suppose you would be happier if you lived more simply, eliminating the effort it takes to acquire an abundance of luxuries? Why or why not?
261) Do you read the newspaper every day? Why or why not?
262) The "Living Will" directs a person's family and physicians not to keep that person alive by artificial means if that person were to suffer a totally incapacitating disease or illness. Would you consider signing such a document and giving it to your own family? Why or why not?
263) Is noise pollution becoming a serious threat to the welfare of Americans? Discuss.
264) "Very few of us really know how to listen." Discuss why you agree or disagree with this statement.
265) Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Discuss.
266) Do you favor or oppose the use of animal organs (such as hearts or kidneys) as transplants in humans when human organs are not available? Explain.
267) The Supreme Court has ruled that public schools have the right to conduct searches of students' persons and property when there is reasonable cause to suspect the presence of weapons or drugs. Do you support or oppose such searches? Explain.
268) Would you be better off if you didn't own a television set? Discuss.
269) It is said that the United States has the highest crime rate of any country that keeps accurate records. What, in your opinion, are some of the reasons for the unusually high rate of crime in the U.S.? Discuss.
270) If you could participate in only one extracurricular activity, which would you choose? Why?
271) Martial arts, extreme sports: pros and cons.
272) What measures might be effective in reducing drug dealing in Georgia? Discuss.
273) Should the government allow unlimited numbers of refugees from political oppression to enter the U.S.? Discuss.
274) Should the government cut funds from educational, cultural, and welfare programs to support a strong defense budget? Discuss.
275) Should the advertisement of alcoholic beverages be banned from television? Discuss.
276) Should tax dollars be used to subsidize public television and radio broadcasts? Discuss.
277) If you were placed in a position to reduce the national debt, what area would you cut? Why?
278) Many states have enacted laws banning all non-returnable drink containers. Should Georgia pass such a law? Why or why not?
279) Some think that divorces are too easy to obtain today. Do you agree or disagree? Explain.
280) What steps can be taken to reduce the amount of litter found along highways and in the countryside? Discuss.
281) Should stricter laws be enacted banning billboards along our major highways? Why or why not?
282) Presidential greatness is often debated by professional historians. Which U.S. president would you identify as the greatest? Justify your selection.
283) I couldn’t say: no… Share an experience.
284) Several communities have passed laws making it illegal for bars to promote the consumption of alcohol through sales specials such as happy hours, two-for-one hours, and ladies' night. Do you agree or disagree that these laws are needed? Discuss.
285) What is your favorite source of entertainment? Explain why.
286) Would you want to survive a nuclear war? Discuss.
287) What manner of man/woman am I/should I be?
288) Is it better to have lived in one place all one's life than to have moved around? Discuss.
289) What is your favorite holiday? Why?
290) Do Americans place too much emphasis on physical appearance? Discuss.
291) Nearly all students have had classmates who they wished were anywhere else but in that particular class. What kinds of students do you find most annoying? Discuss.
292) Should the media show more respect for celebrities' desire for privacy? Discuss.
293) "The best things in life are free." Discuss why you agree or disagree with this statement.
294) Is there anything that teachers can learn from students? Discuss.
295) Hungarian football vs. other countries’. Discuss.
296) What is a good school/teacher like?
297) If you had to choose between a job that you loved that paid $25,000 a year and a job that you hated that paid $50,000 a year, which job would you take? Explain why.
298) Why do so many people like to have collections of something (antiques, coins, stamps, dolls)? Discuss.
299) It has been said that winning is not the most important thing; it's the only thing. Explain why you agree or disagree with this view.
300) With the widespread availability of calculators, is it necessary for students to learn arithmetic? Discuss.


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