As we say in Oklahoma.... "Aren't you posta go there tomorrow?" "Yehbut I'm too busy." "Why did ya dodat?" "Guess I'll warsh the cowshit offa the truck today." "Naah, just wait, I'm fixina do it." "Be careful or you'll tump that over."…
2010.06.03. 12:00 semiambidextrous
Sooner State Sentiments
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Címkék: humor history idioms speaking american southern slang indians cultural shock be smart just for fun
2010.05.25. 12:34 semiambidextrous
About feelings
A századik poszt: Expressing your feelings Which of your feelings do you let other people know about? Which do you keep to yourself? Sometimes it's a good thing to say what you feel. At other times it's better to keep quiet about your feelings. Sometimes it's hard to know exactly what it…
7 komment
Címkék: humor motivation reading games warm up speaking activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics teaching tricks be sophisticated just for fun
2010.05.16. 14:51 semiambidextrous
Toad Action Group
Toad Action Group The issue: toads, for years now, have been taking giant steps towards extinction. Their crisis point, Langton explains, comes in early spring when they migrate from their winter habitat to the ponds of their choice along predetermined routes, often as ancient as the toads…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation games animals warm up activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics teaching tricks just for fun downloadable exercises project work
2010.05.15. 10:35 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_02
LESSON 2 BOB RETURNS HOME WITH BAD NEWS Bob tells his wife Susan that he lost his job. Susan suggests that he start his own business. Susan: What's the matter, dear? Bob: Susan, I got canned today at work. Susan: But Bob, you were Peter's right-hand man! Bob: Yes, and he stabbed me in the back.…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation call idioms american slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics the johnson family
2010.05.14. 11:22 semiambidextrous
Just for fun, as always
...meg persze azért is, mert ezekkel a kis fejtörőkkel mindig jól be lehet melegíteni a skacokat egy kis nyelvi gyakorláshoz: What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything?Paul’s height is six feet, he’s an assistant at a butcher’s shop, and wears size…
5 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet motivation games warm up idioms activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics teaching tricks meaning of riddles just for fun
2010.05.12. 10:29 Mákosbabrizs (a.k.a. MADve)
Kommunikációs deficit
A rendszeres napi hülyeségkeresgélés mindig meghozza gyümölcsét. Így a mai termésből osztanák meg egy szösszenetet, mely a mindennapi életünket szinte létszükségletként kitöltő telefonbeszélgetésekre összpontosít. Szerintem sokan magunkra ismerhetünk....…
4 komment
Címkék: humor speaking american cultural shock be smart just for fun over the phone
2010.05.08. 09:07 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_01
Új sorozat, egy nagyszerű könyvből. Nyelvtanároknak és tanulóknak egyaránt. LESSON 1 BOB'S DAY AT WORK Bob works as a manager in a furniture store. Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him. Peter: Bob, I hate to break…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation call games warm up stories idioms phrasal verbs american activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.05.07. 06:30 semiambidextrous
Neologisms from 2003: - heirhead The Simple Life, in which the pampered Paris Hilton and best friend and fellow 'heirhead' Nicole Richie, daughter of pop star Lionel Richie, swap the Beverly Hills and New York party circuits for 30 days working on an Arkansas farm, was panned by critics yet still…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation idioms american slang vocab cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated neologisms
2010.05.06. 10:06 Mákosbabrizs (a.k.a. MADve)
A kamionos fél-bél bosszúja
Az alábbi kis szösszenetre a szokásos napi hülyeségkeresgélésés közben bukkantam rá, és persze azonnali vágyat éreztem, hogy megosszam a kedves nagyérdeművel. Témája egy sokat hanyagolt és mostoha sorsú írásjel a pontosvessző (a.k.a: semicolon vagy fél-vastagbél), valamint…
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Címkék: humor grammar
2010.05.04. 07:29 semiambidextrous
Go ahead and crack up at it_A-K
Phrasal verbs - good friends if at a good command, but can easily turn to public enemy number one when neglected or acquired poorly.
Here's a neat little list with the most common ones, and with some that are not that common but are still fun.
act up behave or function improperly I think I need to…