Tarthatnánk itt is, ha nem pont fordítva lenne. Ez szarkazmusba burkolt ál-önirónia, amit nem tudom, milyen terminus adhatna vissza.(Persze igazából csak megtetszett a kép, meg gondoltam, lazítsunk egy napra a gyeplőn. Ennyi... :DDD )
2010.10.01. 12:45 semiambidextrous
The National Day of Irony
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Címkék: blog humor just for fun
2010.09.16. 05:28 semiambidextrous
The story of the Sandman_Part 9_The Sandman's Exercises
THE SANDMANS EXERCISESA régi motorosok már ismerik a feladattípust, sőt, Sandman kollégát is. Ha valakinek felhasználási kérdése van, írjon!The Sandman is phenomenally good (1) _______ throwing sand into the eyes of living beings, and he hardly ever misses. But a skill like this,…
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Címkék: humor stories idioms series american grammar vocab többfunkciós downloadable exercises the sandman cloze
2010.09.14. 06:35 semiambidextrous
Ti rabjai...
A beküldés Paul érdeme megint. Köszönjük!Először is a nyersanyag, amivel dolgozunk:There is a two-letter word that perhaps has more meanings than any other two-letter word, and that is 'UP'. It's easy to understand UP, meaning toward the sky or at the top of the list, but when we awaken in…
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Címkék: humor up cartoons prepositions idioms phrasal verbs cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be smart word usage
2010.09.03. 05:00 semiambidextrous
Fly upreadysat
Be prepared!1) Keep information about you and your family in a handy place, such as on the refrigerator door or in your automobile glove compartment. 2) Keep medical and insurance records up-to-date. 3) Find out if your community is served by an emergency 9-1-1 telephone number. If it is not, look…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation people idioms speaking american emergency grammar activities classroom többfunkciós specialoccasions groupdynamics cultural shock teaching tricks just for fun downloadable exercises action verbs be prepared
2010.08.28. 05:05 semiambidextrous
Word jokes from Paul, köszönjük!Valaki küldte nekem ezt a csokor angol szójátékot (szóvicc? favicc?). Szerintem jól fel lehetne használni a nyelvtanításban. Ha valaki megérti mind akkor el lehet mondani hogy jól tud angolul. Ha már ismert lenne akkor elnézést kérek.FOR THOSE WHO…
9 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet idioms phrasal verbs ambiguous cultural shock meaning of just for fun word usage
2010.08.22. 15:05 semiambidextrous
The story of the Sandman_Part 7_Around the world
Around the worldStarting at one of the ___ poles, the Sandman and Suzanne fly all around the world in ___ lightning galloping leaps, over cities, little harbor towns, villages -in fact, they pass over every place in the world in all weather: snow, freezing cold, tropical heat, thunder and rain. They…
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Címkék: humor ötlet translation bedtime stories activities többfunkciós downloadable exercises word formation the sandman
2010.08.10. 13:33 semiambidextrous
Mazes, crosswords and other games
A lentihez hasoló játékokból még néhány tucattal azoknak, akik hasznát veszik tanóráikon, vagy titokban ez a hobbijuk. :D MAZES_CROSSWORDS_OTHERS_part1MAZES_CROSSWORDS_OTHERS_part2MAZES_CROSSWORDS_OTHERS_part3MAZES_CROSSWORDS_OTHERS_part4MAZES_CROSSWORDS_OTHERS_part5
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Címkék: humor motivation call games animals warm up activities classroom többfunkciós crazy words teaching tricks riddles just for fun crosswords
2010.08.05. 05:12 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_12
The family is gathered around the dinner table. Bob tells them about his deal with the Village Market. He asks his kids for help baking the cookies.
Bob: I know I've been down in the dumps since I got fired, but things are looking up now. The Village Market wants to…
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Címkék: humor motivation call stories idioms speaking series american slang activities classroom groupdynamics cultural shock crazy words be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.08.01. 12:00 semiambidextrous
Profound grammar statements
1. Avoid alliteration. Always. 2. Prepositions are not words to end sentences with. 3. Avoid clichés like the plague. (They’re old hat.) 4. Employ the vernacular. 5. Eschew ampersands & abbreviations, etc. 6. Parenthetical remarks (however relevant) are unnecessary. 7. It is wrong to…
2 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet warm up idioms grammar criticaleye just for fun
2010.07.27. 07:09 semiambidextrous
The Tortoise and the Eagle
Ez a feladat már megjelent egyszer itt, de a típusa és a felhasználhatósági sokoldalúsága okán most önállóan is górcső alá vesszük. The Tortoise and the Eagle A tortoise became dissatisfied with his lowly life, when he saw so many birds enjoying themselves in the air. 'If I…