Confusable words
I, Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct word form. Remember to put the verbs in the appropriate tenses.
a) My father taught me to drive when I was 17. (teach/learn)
b) I got in the taxi and asked the driver to __________ me to the airport. (bring/take)
c) Hurry up or we'll __________ the bus! (miss/lose)
d) She's only in her forties, but with her grey hair, she __________ seventy. (seem/look)
e) Several buildings were badly __________ in the blast, but luckily no one was __________. (damage/hurt)
f) I __________ my towel on the sand, __________ down on it and went to sleep. (lie/lay)
g) The thief __________ my wallet. (rob/steal)
h) I'm afraid I __________ my books at home this morning. (forget/leave)
i) Could you __________ me how to get to the post office, please? (tell/say)
j) __________ your hand if you know the answer. (rise/raise)
k) Could you __________ me some money? (lend/borrow)
l) When you come to class tomorrow, __________ your dictionaries. (bring/take)
m) __________ bald is a sure sign that you are old. (get/go)
n) Could you __________ how to do this exercise? (tell/explain)
o) Don't __________ time queuing to go up the tower. The view from the top isn't worth it. (waste/lose)
p) The price of oil __________ dramatically in the seventies. (rise/raise)
q) The old lady was beaten and __________. (rob/steal)
r) From what I could hear, the couple __________ to be having an argument about money. (seem/look)
s) The prisoner __________ escapeby digging a tunnel. (can/manage to)
t) I __________ in the north of the country and moved south in my early twenties. (grow/grow up)
II, Where necessary, change the form of the adjective(s) in each sentence. Mark any that are correct with a tick (√) and any that are wrong with a cross (x).
1, Example: That boy is really annoyed - he is always losing things. - annoying
a) I've heard some worried news about possible redundancies at work.
b) After a relaxed bath, she felt refreshing.
c) The theme park was rather disappointing. There was only one ride which the children thought was really frightened.
d) My job is challenging and I generally enjoy it, but it has its bored moments, too.
e) Some of the students' exam results were disappointed, but on the whole, I'm quite satisfying with their progress.
2, Example: People who talk about football all the time are boring (bore).
a) The scenery in the Swiss Alps is absolutely ____________ (amaze).
b) When she realized what a fool she'd made of herself, she felt terribly ____________ (embarrass).
c) Don't go to that restaurant-the food is ____________ (revolt).
d) The film was so ____________ (move) that I cried at the end.
e) Looking after children all day long is very____________ (tire).
f) By the evening, I'm completely____________ (exhaust).
3, Example: Our trip to London was fun/funny. (funny = that makes you laugh; fun = enjoyable)
a) We had a great landscape/scenery/view from our hotel window.
b) The doctor gave me a receipt/recipe/prescription for some antibiotics.
c) You shouldn't take what he says seriously. You're just too sensitive/sensible.
d) I've met a lot of nice/sympathetic people during my stay here.
e) Her grandmother is died/dead/death.
f) She works like/as a receptionist in a big hotel. '
g) I lived there during/since/for ten years and came back to the UK five years since/ago/for.
h) She has a good job/work in Brussels.
i) The band is actually/currently touring in the US and won't be back until early autumn.
j) She lives on her own and says she never gets alone/lonely.
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