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Friss topikok

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2010.05.22. 05:45 semiambidextrous

Speak English like an American_03



Ted tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.

Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?
Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it!
Susan: Maybe if you didn't cut class so often, you'd do better.
Bob: That's right, son. Stop slacking off and start hitting the books!
Ted: But I can't stand chemistry class. Besides, it's a lost cause. That class is way over my head.
Susan: You need to buckle down.
Ted: When I'm a famous musician, people won't give a hoot about my knowledge of atoms and molecules.
Bob: That's beside the point.
Susan: We know you have your heart set on going to New York University.
Bob: And you don't stand a chance of getting in there with such poor grades!


beside the point - not relevant; not important
EXAMPLE 1: Whether or not I asked the waiter to bring us water is beside the point. Waiters should always bring water to the table.
EXAMPLE 2: The reason you're late is beside the point. The fact is, your dinner is now cold.

(to) blow something - to spoil or botch something
EXAMPLE 1: Brenda blew the interview and didn't get the job offer.
EXAMPLE 2: Randy managed to get a date with the most popular girl in his class. Now I hope he doesn't blow it!

(to) buckle down - to start working seriously
EXAMPLE 1: If Don buckles down now, he might be able to graduate from high school this year.
EXAMPLE 2: Team, if we want to win this tournament, we're going to need to buckle down!

can't stand - to hate
EXAMPLE 1: Bob can't stand bureaucrats, so he'd never do well working at a large corporation.
EXAMPLE 2: Nicole can't stand broccoli. She simply refuses to eat it.

(to) cut class - to miss class without an excuse
EXAMPLE 1: Ted often cuts class to spend more time with his girlfriend.
EXAMPLE 2: If you keep cutting French class, you're going to fail it.

Get real! - be serious or realistic about what's going on
EXAMPLE 1: You think you won't get a speeding ticket when you drive 85 miles per hour? Get real!
EXAMPLE 2: You think you're going to win $1 million in the lottery? Get real!

(to) have one's heart (also: eyes) set on - to really want something
EXAMPLE 1: Nicole has her heart set on going to New York this weekend.
EXAMPLE 2: Did you really have your heart set on going to Harvard?

(to) hit the books - to start studying
EXAMPLE 1: Ted parried all weekend. Finally, on Sunday night, he decided it was time to hit the books.
EXAMPLE 2: Hit the books! I know you have a test tomorrow.

lost cause - something hopeless
EXAMPLE 1: Cindy spent five years studying Russian. Finally, she realized it was a lost cause. She would never learn it.
EXAMPLE 2: Jack needs to stop drinking so much coffee, but he's so addicted to caffeine that it's a lost cause.

(to) not give a hoot - to not care about
EXAMPLE 1: Tom likes to walk around town in his pajamas — he doesn't give a hoot what people think.
EXAMPLE 2: Stephanie doesn't give a hoot if she's the only one wearing a green dress to the high school prom.
SYNONYMS: to not give a damn; to not give a darn

over one's head - beyond one's understanding
EXAMPLE 1: The professor was speaking over our heads. None of us could understand him.
EXAMPLE 2: The article on cloning was written for scientists. It was over my head.

(to) slack off - to waste time
EXAMPLE 1: Amanda doesn't get much done at the office. She's too busy slacking off.
EXAMPLE 2: I'd better stop slacking off. My essay is due in two hours.
NOTE: People who slack off all the time are called "slackers."

(to) stand a chance - to have the possibility of success
EXAMPLE 1: Although the American figure skaters were good, they didn't stand a chance of winning a gold medal at the Olympics.
EXAMPLE 2: Wilton High School has the best soccer team in the state. I'm afraid we don't stand a chance against them!


Choose the most appropriate reply to the following statements:

1) Bob: "Susan, I can't get my old job back. It's a lost cause."
Susan's reply:
a) "Lost? Maybe I can help you find it."
b) "Yes, I know it's not a good cause."
c) "I understand. You'll find something else."

2) Susan: "How could Peter fire you? Were you slacking off?"
Bob's reply:
a) "No. I was working very hard!"
b) "No. I talked on the phone to friends all day."
c) "Yes. I was working very hard!"

3) Ted: "It's getting late. I'd better start hitting the books."
Bob's reply:
a) "Yes, that's a good idea. Spend some time studying."
b) "Hit the books? Why don't you read them instead?"
c) "Why don't you study instead?"

4) Peter: "I don't give a hoot how long you've been working here."
Bob's reply:
a) "I wouldn't give you a hoot either."
b) "I guess our years together aren't important to you."
c) "Yes, it was a long time."

5) Bob: "Susan, the truth is that I couldn't stand Peter."
Susan's reply:
a) "I know. Peter really liked you too."
b) "I liked him too. He was a nice guy."
c) "I didn't like him either. He was a jerk."

6) Susan: "Nicole, do you ever cut class?"
Nicole's reply:
a) "No. I've never missed a single class."
b) "Yes. I had to leave my math class early yesterday."
c) "No. Sometimes I go to the mall during class time."

7) Bob: "This book on computers is way over my head."
Susan's reply:
a) "Over your head? It should be in front of your face!"
b) "Why don't you start with an easier book?"
c) "Here, try this book. It's more difficult."

8) Nicole: "I've got my heart set on going to the school picnic."
Susan's reply:
a) "Okay. You should definitely go."
b) "Really? Why don't you want to go?"
c) "I understand. Picnics can be boring."


2 komment

Címkék: motivation idioms american grammar slang activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics meaning of be sophisticated neologisms the johnson family

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Franci1969 2010.05.23. 12:48:24

de jó is ez a gyűjtemény!
meg a képrejtvény is :))))

semiambidextrous · http://whimsicalll.blog.hu/ 2010.05.25. 11:19:56

@Franci1969: Na örülök, hogy teccik, mert még sok rész van, és mindet, illetőleg persze az egészet egy anyagként kezelve, nagy sikerrel alkalmazom szegénysorsú tanítványaimon jelenleg is. :D
A képrejtvényt pedig csak az íze végett csat-oltam. ;)
süti beállítások módosítása