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Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2010.04.13. 14:25 semiambidextrous

Tropical punch

Mr. Pither barátunk kifejezett kérésére egy gyors bréking:

Levi's, Kleenex, Wellingtons, Hula Hoop, Walkman, és még sokan. Mindennap használjuk őket, és már el is felejtettük, hogy sokszor bizony nagy koponyák, vagy egyéb vicces dolgok állnak a háttérben, mint névadók.Íme, egy kellemes kis lista ezekről:

* Adidas (pl. adidaşi) – in Romania and Poland, any kind of sport shoes. In Romania it is not uncommon to hear people say 'adidaşi Puma', meaning 'Puma sport shoes'.
* Aqua-Lung – scuba equipment
* Armco – highway and racetrack crash barriers
* Artex – textured interior wall and ceiling coating
* AstroTurf – artificial grass produced by AstroTurf, LLC
* Autocue – broadcasting script teleprompting system

* Band-aid – adhesive bandages
* Baggies – food bags
* Bake-off – any kind of contest where a product is created from scratch; although registered as a trademark by Pillsbury, the term is commonly used in computer science programming competitions
* Beer Nuts – sweet and salty glazed nuts, historically peanuts
* Birkenstock – Clog shoes
* Biro (UK) – ball-point pen
* Bisleri - Packaged drinking water (used extensively in India)
* Bobcat (US) – Skid loaders; Bobcat Company owns trademark registrations worldwide for the Bobcat® trademark and actively enforces misuse of its trademark as a generic term.
* Blu Tack – pressure-sensitive adhesive, used in Australian and British English
* Bowser – a mobile tanker, originally the trademark of the S. F Bowser company.
* Breathalyzer – breath alcohol analyzer made by Draeger Safety, Inc.
* Bridgeport - Within the machining industries, this brand name often functions colloquially to refer to all similar vetical milling machines.
* Brillo Pad – soap filled, steel wool scouring pad
* Bubble Wrap – air-filled plastic packing material from Sealed Air

* CamelBak – mobile hydration reservoir, canteen
* ChapStick – lip balm manufactured by AHRobins
* Chyron - lower third graphics, as seen on television news
* Chia Pet -
* Claymation – clay-based stop motion animation; tradename from Will Vinton Studios
* Clorox – bleach manfuactured by the Clorox Company
* Comet - powdered cleanser
* Coke - cola drink
* Cook's tour – any whistle-stop tour, from Thomas Cook Tour Operations
* Craisin - a dried cranberry; trademarked name by Ocean Spray
* Crayola – crayons
* Crescent wrench – adjustable, open-end wrench; Crescent Tool and Horseshoe Company
* Crombie – a style of formal wool/cashmere overcoat
* Cuisinart – food processor and attachments
* Cyclone fence – a particular style of fence used on farms (South Australia)

* Digibox – a digital television set-top box, originally a Sky satellite set-top box.
* Dixie Cups – disposable bathroom cups, also packaged ice cream cups, which is a trademark of the Fort James Corporation.
* Dr. Dentons – blanket sleepers
* Draino - drain cleaner and pipe unclogger
* Dremel – rotary tool; Robert Bosch Tool Corporation
* Duck Tape – strong waterproof adhesive tape, originally used on ammunition cases in World War II, then afterwards began being used on ducts at home, hence the confusion with Duck tape vs. duct tape
* Dumpster – from the "Dempster-Dumpster" system of mechanically loading containers onto garbage trucks, a trademark of the Krug International Corporation.
* Durex – condoms (UK), adhesive tape (Canada)
* Dettol – Antiseptic Germicidial

* Eau de Cologne - The perfume of Jean Marie Farina since 1709
* Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners - Formerly dominated the market in New Zealand, resulting in older people referring to a vacuum cleaner as an Electrolux.
* Elmer's Glue - polyvinyl acetate-based glue, popular in school settings as an adhesive for paper
* Erector Set – US metal construction toy: name now owned by Meccano Ltd
* Esky – cooler box (Australian usage), the brand name Esky was derived from "Eskimo"
* Ethernet – IEEE 802.3 LAN protocol, originally a trademark of Xerox Corporation

* Fairy Liquid – Washing up liquid
* FedEx – as a verb meaning to send something by overnight courier, e.g., I need to FedEx this parcel
* Fender Bass- A term for a bass guitar due to Fender's early market dominance.
* Fiberglas(s) – glass wool or glass fiber reinforced plastic; the single 's' version is a trademark of Owens-Corning
* Filofax – a leather bound personal organizer
* Fig Newton – soft cake-like cookie filled with fig jam; Nabisco
* Freeview - free-to-air digital television, usually terrestrial (sometimees written as FreeView)
* Frigidaire - in the Philippines, Serbia (spelled: frižider) and Romania, a refrigerator. In Romania there is no other for 'refrigerator'.
* Frisbee – flying disc ('Frisbee' has already completely replaced 'flying disc' in Australian English, British English, Canadian English and American English.)

* Gatso – Speed cameras (UK)
* Gladwrap - Plastic food wrap (Australia)
* Goodwill store - often used generically for Charity shops in the U.S.
* Green Stamp – trading stamps used in a catalog rewards program; S&H
* Gillette - razor

* Hi-lighter (Hi-Liter) – Highlighting marker pen
* Hoover – vacuum cleaner (in Britain and some Commonwealth countries), and also as a verb meaning "to suck up".
* Hula Hoop – dancing ring

* iPod - used for any type of portable mp3 playing device

* Jacuzzi – whirlpool bath
* Jake Brake - an engine compression brake used on transport trucks
* Jaws of Life – a rescue tool
* JCB – hydraulic digger
* Jeep – very small angular four-wheel drive truck now manufactured by Daimler Chrysler
* Jell-O – gelatin dessert, or jelly in Britain and Commonwealth countries. Also instant pudding.
* Jet Ski – motorized watercraft, often spelled "jetski"
* Jetway – Movable bridges used at airports
* Jiffy bag - a padded envelope made by Jiffy Packaging, now a division of Sealed Air Corporation
* Jiffy Pop – stovetop popcorn
* Jockey Shorts – short, tight-fitting underpants
* JumboTron – large stadium display screens built by Sony

* Kevlar – Aramid fiber from DuPont
* Kitty litter – clumping clay litter used in cat litterboxes
* Kleenex – packaged folded facial tissue paper
* Knipex pliers - a tradename for water-pump pliers which is used generically in some trades
* Kool-Aid – artificially "fruit" flavored and colored powder that makes a soft drink
* Kotex – tampon or other feminine sanitary products
* Krazy Glue – cyanoacrylate adhesive

* Laundromat – self-service laundry
* Learjet – executive aircraft manufactured by Bombardier Aerospace
* Lego - small plastic toy construction blocks
* Leukoplast - adhesive bandage; trademarked by Beiersdorf. The most common term for an adhesive bandage in Romania.
* Levi's – brand of denim jeans
* Liquid Paper – paper correction fluid
* Listserv - an electronic mailing list
* Luxaflex - window blind
* Lysol - disinfectant spray
* Mace – aerosol spray tear gas
* Maggi - instant noodles ( popular in India )
* Magic Marker – Felt-tip marker
* Mills & Boon – romance Novels (British and Australian usage)
* Moxie – early 20th century soft drink, now used generically to mean energy, courage, or know-how
* Mr. Coffee – an automatic drip coffeemaker
* Muzak – background music, trademark of the Muzak Corporation
* Mylar – biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate (BOPET) polyester film, trademark of DuPont

* Nintendo - Video game system

* Othello – Mattel's trademarked name for the game Reversi
* Ouija – the name Ouija, used for Ouija boards used in séances, is trademarked
* Onesie - single-piece clothing produced by Gerber Childrenswear

* Pan-Cake Make-Up – cosmetic
* Pampers – disposable diapers for babies and toddlers
* Perrier – sparkling water
* Perspex (UK) – Clear plastic (acrylic) sheeting, trademark of ICI
* Phillips-head screws - cross-head screws, patented in 1936 but widely copied, patent lost in 1949.
* Photoshop – image editing software from Adobe Systems, also as a verb, to digitally edit an image
* Photostat – reproduction machine
* Ping-Pong – table tennis
* Play-Doh – commercial plastic modeling compound, clay-like
* Plexiglas – clear acrylic plastic sheets, trademark of Atluglas, often mis-spelled Plexiglass.
* Polaroid – instant photography
* Pop Tart – breakfast toaster pastry
* Popsicle – quiescently frozen confection
* Porta Potty – portable toilet
* Portakabin (UK) – relocatable buildings
* Post-It Note – self-adhering notepaper
* PowerPoint - slideshows created on and projected from a computer; named for the Microsoft program of the same name
* Putt-Putt - a genericized trademark of a miniature golf company commonly used to describe the sport
* Pyrex - glass resistant to heat changes used in cooking and chemistry, a trademark of Corning

* Q-tips – cotton swabs
* Quonset hut – easily constructed curved wall building similar to a Nissen hut[citation needed]

* Rawlplug – wall plug (invented by J J Rawlings in 1919), trademark of Rawlplug Ltd.
* RCA connector - also known as an RCA jack
* Realtor - Real estate agent, trademarked by National Association of Realtors
* Ribena – blackcurrant cordial
* Rollerblade – inline skates
* Rolodex – rotary card file

* Saran wrap - Plastic food wrap (US)
* Scotch tape – transparent adhesive tape, trademark of 3M
* Sellotape – transparent adhesive tape (Britain and Commonwealth countries)
* Sharpie - line of permanent markers manufactured by the Sanford company
* Sheetrock – plasterboard/drywall
* Silly Putty - putty used as a toy or for other entertainment
* Skidoo – snowmobile
* Slinky -
* Spa (mineral water) - carbonated water, also "spa red", after the colour of Spa bottles.
* SPAM – packaged meat, a trademark of Hormel Foods; sometimes used generically for processed meat and also the common term for junk e-mail when spelled in lowercase.
* Speedo – tight-fitting swimsuit (usually for males)
* Spinning - indoor cycling; Mad Dogg Athletics
* Stanley Knife – A craft knife with replaceable blades (in Britain and Commonwealth countries)
* Stillson wrench - a type of pipe wrench designed by Daniel C. Stillson
* Stetson – cowboy hat, originally a trademark of the John B. Stetson company.
* Stopper - a type of rock climbing protection, generic name is Nut.
* Strimmer – a type of hand-held grass cutter – from which a backformed verb "to strim"
* Styrofoam – polystyrene filler
* Sun Mica - mical laminates
* Superglue – cyanoacrylate adhesive
* Super Hero – trademarked jointly by Marvel Comics and DC Comics, though usually regarded as a comic-book genre
* Swiss Army Knife – a clasp-knife with multi-functional blades, trademark of Victorinox

* Tampax – tampons
* Tannoy – Public address system (UK/Commonwealth Military & PS), trademark of Tulsemere Manufacturing Company, now part of TC Group
* Taser – electric shock stun gun
* Teflon – Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), used as a non-stick surface, trademark of DuPont
* TelePrompTer – electronic speech notes
* Teletext – viewdata service (UK & Australia)
* Thermos – vacuum flask; though it was declared generic in the USA in 1963
* Tippex – correction fluid
* TiVo - digital video recorder
* Transit - Light van (UK)
* Tupperware – (usually plastic) food storage ware

* Vaseline – petroleum jelly, trademark of Unilever
* Velcro – adhesive hook and loop fasteners, trademark of Velcro Industries B.V.
* Vise-Grips - Locking jaw pliers

* Walkman – music player
* WD-40 – penetrating oil lubricant
* Weber – covered charcoal barbecue, especially when used for roasting (probably genericized in Australia only)
* Wite-Out – correction fluid
* Wi-Fi – wireless internet
* Windbreaker – light jacket

* X-Acto knife – sharp precision craft knife with short replaceable blades
* Xerox – photocopier. Sometimes used as a verb, i.e. "xerox two copies for me", trademark of Xerox Corporation

* Zamboni – ice resurfacing machine. Listed in dictionaries and used as a plural: "REMOTE CONTROLLED ZAMBONIS"
* Ziploc bags – zipper storage bags
* Zippo – refillable, metal lighter
* Zodiac – inflatable boat – "Cousteau Society crew in a zodiac

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