Új sorozat, egy nagyszerű könyvből. Nyelvtanároknak és tanulóknak egyaránt. LESSON 1 BOB'S DAY AT WORK Bob works as a manager in a furniture store. Peter, his boss, is not happy about sales. Bob's new advertising campaign hasn't helped. Peter decides to fire him. Peter: Bob, I hate to break…
2010.05.08. 09:07 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_01
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation call games warm up stories idioms phrasal verbs american activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks meaning of be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.05.07. 06:30 semiambidextrous
Neologisms from 2003: - heirhead The Simple Life, in which the pampered Paris Hilton and best friend and fellow 'heirhead' Nicole Richie, daughter of pop star Lionel Richie, swap the Beverly Hills and New York party circuits for 30 days working on an Arkansas farm, was panned by critics yet still…
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Címkék: humor ötlet motivation idioms american slang vocab cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated neologisms
2010.05.05. 11:58 semiambidextrous
The A-Z of correct English
Draft or draught? A DRAFT is a first or subsequent attempt at a piece of written work before it is finished.A DRAUGHT is a current of cool air in a room.One also refers to a DRAUGHT of ale, a game of DRAUGHTS and a boat having a shallow DRAUGHT.Epigram or epitaph? EPIGRAM = a short witty…
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Címkék: idioms grammar vocab criticaleye cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated be smart
2010.05.04. 07:29 semiambidextrous
Go ahead and crack up at it_A-K
Phrasal verbs - good friends if at a good command, but can easily turn to public enemy number one when neglected or acquired poorly.
Here's a neat little list with the most common ones, and with some that are not that common but are still fun.
act up behave or function improperly I think I need to…
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Címkék: humor idioms speaking phrasal verbs american grammar slang vocab criticaleye cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated be smart neologisms
2010.05.04. 05:16 semiambidextrous
Go ahead and crack up at it_L-Z
lay away + save for the future Why don't you lay away your wedding outfit? lay down + establish (laws, rules) Lori lays down the law in her class. English only! lay in on + scold or criticize severely My mom really laid in on me when I got home at 4:00 in the morning last night. lay into…
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Címkék: idioms phrasal verbs vocab be sophisticated
2010.05.03. 07:27 semiambidextrous
Az elmúlt években már több matekos kollégám kért egy ilyen gyűjteményt, ezért most egy gyors elérés a leggázabb legfontosabb kifejezésekhez. Vagy mikhez.COMMON TERMS IN MATHEMATICS http://www.dorak.info/mtd/glosmath.html 1. Absolute value: The magnitude of a number. It is the number…
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Címkék: mathematics vocab specialoccasions criticaleye be smart
2010.05.02. 08:52 semiambidextrous
Ne bosszantsd fel az almakocsit
Talán a legalapvetőbb amerikai szólások, közmondások negyedezernyi (+) gyűjteménye: 1. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link - 2. A change is as good as a rest - 3. A fool and his money are soon parted - 4. A friend in need is a friend indeed - 5. A good beginning makes a good ending…
3 komment
Címkék: idioms american vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated be smart proverb
2010.04.29. 07:05 semiambidextrous
Are you still talking? - 401-500
Tessenek parancsolni, ínségesebb időkre... 401) Women today are waiting until they are older to marry for the first time. Why? 402) If you could take back any deed you have done and do it differently, what would it be? Why? 403) Fill in the blank in the following statement and discuss:…
2 komment
Címkék: ötlet motivation speaking vocab topics
2010.04.28. 05:30 semiambidextrous
Croesus and Solon
Learn morals from Aesop - and give it out to your students (even in groups) as a reading-matching exercise; or just simply become wiser as pondering over the profound messages of the following tales.Whatever you choose, enjoy!1; The Laborer and The Snake A snake, having made his hole close to the…
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Címkék: ötlet motivation call games warm up stories literature activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics teaching tricks be smart riddles
2010.04.27. 10:26 semiambidextrous
Hogy állunk az előtagokkal? Have you ever had to uninvite someone? Are you pro-life? Someone outran you today?Ilyen és hasonló esetekben ezek ismerete kihúzhat a csávából. Tipp: nem csak keresztrejtvényekhez hasznos, hanem mondjuk megsokszorozni a szókincsünket egy ilyen…