Update: Mivel mostanra már mindenki kellett, hogy végezzen a reggeli röpdogával, jöjjön néhény okosság, csak mer'. Fools and Foolishness Bible, Proverbs 26:4–5 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he…
2010.04.01. 15:02 semiambidextrous
Fools' day afternoone edition
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Címkék: humor specialoccasions cultural shock just for fun
2010.04.01. 04:01 semiambidextrous
Kovács úr, itt a Center rádió!
A Really Tough Final ExamInstructions: Read each question carefully. Answer all questions. Time Limit: 4 hours. Begin immediately.1) H I S T O R Y Describe the history of the papacy from its origins to the present day, concentrating especially, but not exclusively, on its social, political,…
1 komment
Címkék: humor games exam activities többfunkciós specialoccasions teaching tricks be smart
2010.03.15. 06:47 semiambidextrous
18 pages - front AND back!
Ha már elgondolkoztatok azon, hogy mindig ugyanazzal a frázissal zártok be egy e-mailt, vagy levelet - egy kis ízelítő a lehetőségekből: General Letter Closings • Adios, • All best wishes, • All best, always, • Always in my thoughts, • As always, with…
5 komment
Címkék: ötlet writing vocab specialoccasions cultural shock be sophisticated
2010.03.08. 08:08 semiambidextrous
About women
Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex
One is not born a woman, one becomes one.
Marie Anne du Deffand, letter (to Voltaire)
Women are never stonger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses.
Shelagh Delaney, A Taste of Honey
Women never have young minds. They…
4 komment
Címkék: literature quotes specialoccasions
2010.02.19. 12:00 semiambidextrous
That's when I began to use humor as a defence mechanism...
Nyilván erősen módszertani indíttatással: warm-up exercise, vagy csak egy sima speaking insert, ha laposodna az óránk (Casio nem jáccik). Mivel ez egy ever-growing (az állandóan bővülő olyan kacifántos, nem volt türelmem kiírni) lista, ha valakinek vannak további -…
2 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet motivation speaking activities classroom vocab specialoccasions
2010.02.14. 07:00 semiambidextrous
A * Acacia - Secret love * Acorn - Nordic symbol of life and immortality * Aloe - Grief * Allspice - Compassion * Ambrosia - Love returned * Amaryllis - Pride; Timidity * Anemone - Unfading love * Angelica - Inspiration * Aniseed - Restoration of youth * Arbutis - Only love * Apple - Preference *…