TED FORMS A ROCK BAND Ted plans to become a successful musician. First, he needs Susan to loan him money for a new guitar. (Period. Full stop. ;) ) Susan suggests that Ted bake cookies to earn the money. Susan: You're in good spirits today, Ted. Ted: I've got great news, Mom. Susan: What is it?…
2010.06.27. 06:33 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_08
12 komment
Címkék: humor call idioms phrasal verbs american slang vocab többfunkciós meaning of the johnson family
2010.06.25. 05:36 semiambidextrous
Informal review
Tudom, hogy már sok hasonló volt, de mindig tanulunk valami újat. Ezen kívül pedig ha már megvolt ez a gyűjteményem is, közzéteszem. Mér', legális! A kettes számú támadás minden kedves Látogató ellen pedig a következő: nincs mellékeltve leíró jelentés, csak használatbeli,…
6 komment
Címkék: humor idioms phrasal verbs american slang vocab cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks meaning of just for fun
2010.06.20. 06:02 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_07
Megint szombat, Tedék története tehát folytatódik.
Susan stays up all night thinking about her cookie business. In the morning, she discusses it with Bob. Bob agrees to work for her.
Bob: You're up bright and early this morning, Susan.
Susan: I didn't sleep a…
8 komment
Címkék: humor ötlet motivation call idioms phrasal verbs american slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words teaching tricks meaning of just for fun the johnson family
2010.06.09. 09:58 semiambidextrous
You're a shoe, you're a shoe, you're a shoe!
Na, akkor sokak kérésére (ez vonatkozik az elmúlt 10 évre, szóval erősen hiánypótló a dolog) némi irodami betekintés. Első körben persze csak egy kis fool-proof approach, hogy senkinek ne rontsuk el a gyomrát, de majd érkeznek a szépségek sorjában.
Ezzel egyidőben pedig,…
2 komment
Címkék: literature oxymoron classroom vocab többfunkciós teaching tricks meaning of be smart terminology
2010.06.06. 11:56 semiambidextrous
Numerous good expressions
Some problems are difficult to solve. But there are a lot of number expressions that can help. For example, if we put two and two together, we might come up with the right answer. We know that two heads are better than one. It is always better to work with another person to solve a…
2 komment
Címkék: warm up idioms numbers vocab többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated
2010.06.05. 06:39 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_05
Ted leaves to go visit his girlfriend Amber. Ted's mother Susan says she doesn't really like Amber. She wishes him a good time anyway.
Ted: See you later, Mom!
Susan: Where are you going, Ted?
Ted: I told Amber I'd drop by.
Susan: What are you two going to…
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: idioms phrasal verbs american slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics cultural shock crazy words meaning of be sophisticated the johnson family
2010.05.23. 07:02 semiambidextrous
I ain't no not really
Már néztünk példákat az IGEN-re és a NEM-re is, de a szofisztikáltásgnak nincs határa. :DFill in the gaps -AWAY - DANCE – FAIR – FEEL - HARM - HEAR – PLACE – STRETCH - TAKES - HAVEI won’t ________(1) of you going out tonight! (hallani sem akarok róla)I know…
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: ötlet warm up slang activities vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics crazy words meaning of be sophisticated
2010.05.22. 05:45 semiambidextrous
Speak English like an American_03
Ted tells his parents he did poorly on his chemistry test. They tell him he needs to get serious and study more.
Susan: How was your day at school today, Ted?
Ted: Bad. I had a chemistry test, and I blew it!
Susan: Maybe if you didn't cut class so often, you'd do…
2 komment
Címkék: motivation idioms american grammar slang activities classroom vocab többfunkciós groupdynamics meaning of be sophisticated neologisms the johnson family
2010.05.20. 08:22 semiambidextrous
Egy kis gyakorlás az amerikai történelem egy kedves szeletkéjével, ahogy azt a cserkészek tanulják. Observing natureNative Americans have a long heritage of being good (1) ____________ of nature. Over the centuries, their lives have often depended upon their skills in tracking animals,…
14 komment
Címkék: nature animals warm up american grammar indians classroom vocab többfunkciós topics cultural shock meaning of
2010.05.18. 07:07 semiambidextrous
Action verbs
Az anyanyelvben mindennaposak, L2, stb esetén már nem annyira egyértelműek. Ja, mert ezekhez fel kell nézni a nyelvtankönyből. Let's all look up, then.He elbowed past.He folded his arms.He nodded his head.He pinched him on the arm.He punched him in the stomach.He sat cross-legged.He shook his…