
Beszélsz nyelveken? Vajon kinek mi a titka? Kidobott a porosz oktatási rendszer az utcára, és már ment is folyékonyan? Gondolatok, ötletek, építő javaslatok és inspiráló meglátások fogják hatékonyabbá tenni a tanítást, mert mindig, mindenhol tanárok, és egyúttal tanulók is vagyunk. A blog célja a whimsical, unorthodox és egyéb finnugor jelzőkkel megbélyegezhető módszerek, vagy nem módszerek, ötletek és sikersztorik gyűjtőhelyének lenni a második (harmadik, nx) nyelv elsajátítására vonatkozóan. Ha van olyan ötleted, módszered, ami NÁLAD működött, oszd meg velünk, hátha valaki magára ismer, alkalmazza, és megtanul még jobban tanulni, vagy tanítani. Ha mégsem, akkor is legalább elmélyítettük azt a tudást, miszerint a tanulás és tanítás személyes dolog, nem sablonok halmaza. Ide írhatsz: semiambidextrous@gmail.com

Ha valóban ki akarod használni a lehetőségeket, tanulj amerikai tanároktól teljesen INGYEN. Itt megtalálhatod a lakóhelyedhez legközelebbi ilyen lehetőséget: Ingyenes angol

Friss topikok

  • Mr.Moonlight: ez se rossz: indafoto.hu/aussie47/image/16789653-f26a35c0/483693 (2012.09.21. 13:37) Mind your brain
  • semiambidextrous: De azert geniuspseudotoo, nemdebar? :-) A cimet viszont elszurtam, de telorol ... (2012.03.08. 17:46) Juiceguitareaglebranch
  • nyos: Nem tudok ilyen magyar gyujtemenyt. A priceless amugy hogy maradt ki? (2011.12.11. 08:26) Janus-words
  • Mr.Moonlight: @nyos: ez durva volt (2011.12.06. 12:49) Puska kellett volna, ...
  • nyos: @semiambidextrous: whimsicalll.blog.hu/2010/11/06/nice_camouflage_man#c1233491... (2011.11.16. 02:50) What's flimbies?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Elkéstem volna a válasszal? :) Mindenestere Edward Sedgwick nev... (2011.11.15. 10:18) Due to a non-stop coughing fit...
  • Mr. Pither: @semiambidextrous: Meg ugye idézni amúgy is csak ezeket érdemes, mert ezeket m... (2011.10.27. 12:00) Bravely taking to his feet, he beat a very brave retreat
  • krisk!: Van még strong-hearted is. (2011.08.29. 20:16) Heart digs
  • Mr. Pither: Éljen, éljen! (2011.08.11. 20:20) Speak English like an American_17
  • semiambidextrous: Elkéstem a válasszal? ;) A lényeg, hogy örülök, ha bármit hasznosnak találsz. (2011.05.05. 14:17) May I read the comics?
  • semiambidextrous: @Mr.Moonlight: Petike természetesen rendben. @Franci1969: Magyarból van egy eg... (2011.02.14. 08:43) Altered Grandma
  • semiambidextrous: @Csanádka: :D Hát persze hogy beleillenek, ezért is vannak itt. De nincsenek b... (2011.02.05. 15:13) Folktales Quiz


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2011.04.01. 04:01 semiambidextrous

Chinglish gibberish

Ha már 04/01, akkor Crazy English, és annak is a bajnokai. Kizárólag a mosolyért, ha már a pázsit is...

Top 10:

1. Good good study, day day up
Actually means: work hard, aim to achieve more every day

2. How are you? How old are you?
This looks like a perfect English sentence. But don’t be fooled. It actually means: Why is always you who have done…..

3. You have seed. I will give you some colour to see see.
This is not talking about plants. It means: how dare you do something like that. I will take actions if you keep doing this.

4. Brothers! Together up!
This may be easy to guess. It means: come on, everybody, let’s rally and fight back.

5. You ask me, me ask who?
If somebody says this to you, he or she actually is complaining you always turn to him or her for help whenever you have any problem, he or she is exhausted.

6. We two who and who
Someone says this actually wants to show how intimate the relationship is between himself and the person he or she speaks to.

7. No three no four
This is nothing to do with the math. It is to criticise somebody or something unprofessional, undecent, inappropriate

8. Horse horse tiger tiger
Don’t worry, you are not in the zoo when a Chinese said this to you. It might mean someone is careless or don’t pay attention to the details. It could also mean the result is OK, just so so.

9. You don’t bird me, I don’t bird you.
Nothing to do with the bird. It actually means if you don’t care what I say or do, I won’t care what you say or do either.

10. People mountain people sea
OK, there is no mountain in China called People mountain. This actually is  to describe large crowds.

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Címkék: humor chinglish specialoccasions cultural shock crazy words just for fun

Free Online Journal

2011.03.26. 12:00 semiambidextrous

Eyelash curler

Na, ilyet ezen a fórumon még nem csináltunk, legalábbis nem ennyire egyértelmű formában. Ez itt hasonló, és legalább olyan hasznos eszköz. A lényeg, hogy ezt ell kell játszani, játszatni. Persze, lehet olvasni, meg minden, de akár adoptálni is egyéb helyszínekre, saját városra, stb. Miközben helyet kap némi kitöltésre váró feladat is, intonációk gyakorlása, egymás szavába vágás, stb. Megfelelően levezényelve poén.




o Good afternoon, Watermill Inn. May I help you?
o Hi. I'd like some information about the inn.
o Of course. We're located in the town of Rhinebeck, just a two-hour drive from the city.
o What kinds of accommodation do you have?
o For a very special vacation, we have a large honeymoon (1) ________________.
o Well, I…
o Or if you prefer, you can reserve a smaller (2) ________________.
o That's probably…
o Or a double room with a fireplace and a balcony.
o I really think…
o And (3) ______________ of the Hudson River from the balcony is absolutely gorgeous!
o I don't really…
o Enjoy beautiful views? Well, the town of Rhinebeck is the perfect place to take an afternoon walk.
o I do like to…
o And, of course, after all that walking, you'll want to relax and have a delicious dinner in our romantic dining room.
o Well, I don't know. I may be…
o …too tired to come to the dining room? Don't worry. Our friendly (4) ______________ is always ready to bring delicious meals to your room.
o Oh, how nice!
o Nice? Our (5) ________________, Mrs. Montefiore, is the nicest person you'll ever meet. She's been making the Watermill Inn a comfortable place for guests for over twenty years.
o What time is…?
o (6) _______________? Well, you can do it any time after one P.M. and (7) ______________ any time before twelve noon. Now, when would you like your (8) _______________, and what type of room would you like?
o I'm not quite sure…
o You can be sure that the Watermill Inn is the finest small hotel in all of New York State.
o New York? I thought I called Florida!

a) Reservation
b) Suite
c) Check in
d) Check out
e) The view
f) Room service
g) Innkeeper
h) Single room

Handout itt.

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Címkék: chat speaking american activities vocab cultural shock action verbs over the phone

2011.03.23. 11:06 semiambidextrous

Thy turkey's done


Haladóknak, gyakorolni ezt is, azt is. Tanároknak a handout itt.

During the tenth century Charlemagne's empire and Anglo-Saxon England were attacked by a new group of invaders known as Norsemen, or Vikings. They came from the far northern part of Europe now (a) _________ Scandinavia. The tall, fair-skinned Vikings became known as brutal fighters and robbers. They spread fear and (1) _________ throughout Western Europe (b) _______ several hundred years. At the same time, however, they opened up new trade routes and brought shipping skills to other Europeans.
The Vikings captured parts of Britain and France. They ruled cities in Russia and set up colonies on islands in the North Atlantic. They (c) __________ paid a brief visit to North America. Those who went abroad married the people they conquered. They also accepted a new religion and customs. (d) _________ stayed in Scandinavia and set up the (2) ___________ of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
The Viking homeland of Scandinavia was an area mostly of forests and long, rugged coastlines. The (3) _________ part, known as Jutland, or Denmark, had many natural harbors. It also had large plains where the Vikings grew oats, barley, rye, and wheat and pastured (e) __________ cattle, sheep, and pigs.
The rest of Scandinavia was not as well suited to farming. Winters were long and cold, summers short and mild, and the soil (4) __________. The coastline, however, had (f) ____________ fjords, or bays. So the people turned to the sea to making a living. The Vikings built ships with timber from the dense forests and sailed out of the fjords onto the sea to make a living. The ships were large and well suited for long voyages. The bodies were long and narrow. The sides, where a single row of 16 oars was placed, were usually decorated with black or yellow painted shields. The tall bows were carved (g) _____ the shape of a dragon’s head. This was supposed to frighten both enemies and the evil spirits of the ocean. The (5) _________ sewn sails were square and often striped red and yellow. The ships bore names like “Snake of the Sea,” “Raven of the Wind,” and “Lion of the Waves.”
An awning in the forepart of the ship protected the sailors (h) _________ bad weather. They slept in leather sleeping bags and carried bronze pots in which to cook their meals. (i) _____________ possible, they cooked their meals ashore to avoid the danger of a fire on board ship.
The Vikings plotted their courses by the positions of the sun and stars. They sailed far out into the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean in search of good (6) ____________ areas and trade. They (j) _________ most of their traveling and trading in the spring after their fields were sown, or in the fall after their crops were harvested. They spent the long winters in their villages repairing their boats and weapons.
The Vikings were as (7) __________ in trade (k) ________ the Phoenicians. Viking (8) __________ carried furs, hides, fish, and slaves to Western Europe and the Mediterranean. They returned from these areas (l) ________ silk, wine, wheat, and silver.

1, Fill in the gaps with one suitable word!

a) ____________
b) ____________
c) ____________
d) ____________
e) ____________
f) ____________
g) ____________
h) ____________
i) ____________
j) ____________
k) ____________
l) ____________

2, Fill in the gaps with one suitable form of the words listed below!

1) Destructive
2) King
3) South
4) Rock
5) Strong
6) Fish
7) Success
8) Trade

3, Find their English equivalent!

I. Come back - ________________
II. Looking for - ________________
III. Perfect for - ________________
IV. Trips in the sea, space, … - ________________
V. Spend a little time - ________________
VI. Had (the) names (of) – ________________
VII. Mobile ‘beds’ – ________________
VIII. Looks like sg. - ________________

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: history people collocations northern vikings vocab többfunkciós downloadable exercises

2011.03.21. 11:20 semiambidextrous

President Joey


Ezúton is elnézést a hűséges látogatóktól, akik a statisztikai mutatók alapján ebben a csendes, sok személyes megoldandóval terhelt hónapban sem hagytak cserben, amiért külön köszönet. Folytatjuk tehát ott, ahol abbahagytuk - és mivel időközben a nyelvészeti élet nem állt le, azon a vonalon haladunk, amit a legjobban szeretek - unorthodox language acquisition. :D

A monkey once danced in an assembly of the beasts, and so greatly pleased all by his performance that they elected him their king.
A fox that envied him the honor, having discovered a piece of meat lying in a trap, led the monkey to the tit-bit and said: 'Look! I have found this store, but have not used it. It is not for the subject to lay claim to a treasure trove; the king himself should take it.'
The monkey approached carelessly and was caught in the trap, whereupon he accused the fox of leading him into the snare.
The fox replied, 'O monkey, can it be that you, with so simple a mind, could rule as king over all the beasts?'


A feladat most kedves, a megfelelő szinoním kifejezések kikeresése a szövegből.

• After which - ______________________
• Choose – ______________________
• Feeling selfishness - ____________________
• Getting closer without much consideration of the circumstances- ______________________
• Multitude - ______________________
• Synonyms of a place to catch animals -______________________
• Possible? – ______________________
• Really valuable things – _________________
• Stupid - ______________________
• Using the rights of a king - _______________
• Wild animals - ______________________

A kép még akár nehés is lehet, persze nem szeretnék alábecsülni senkit...

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: fox motivation campaign animals stories collocations literature monkey bedtime stories aesop crazy words teaching tricks be sophisticated thesaurus folktales

2011.02.14. 14:25 semiambidextrous

Due to a non-stop coughing fit...


Ilyen chunkokat simán be lehet dobni óra elején, a végen, vagy akár ilyesmire építeni egy speaking alkalmat (amikor nincs más, csak speaking), vagy akár egy writing  feladatot, némileg irányítva a dolgot. Ha csak szókincsként dolgozzuk fel, azt mindenképpen tartsuk szem előtt, hogy kontextus nélkül szavakat tanulni olyan, mint kötél nélkül leengedni a vödröt a kútba. Azt már nem látod viszont...


 - Consequently, as the stakes become bigger and bigger in the playing of the game, the scruples will become smaller and smaller when it comes to player recruitment.
 - For five years he consequently exercised a remarkable monopoly of the national copper market.

AS A RESULT (OF)- vmi eredményeként
 - A general lack of confidence is noticeable as a result.

DUE TO - (about to, supposed to)szándékozik/tervez vmit csinálni, kellene vmit csinálni
 - The first phase of the project, to supply Benghazi, was due to be completed by the end of 1991.
 - The law is due to come into force on Aug. 1.
 - Three further youths were due to be tried.
 - The first lecture was due to take place next week



a) non-existent
b) non-smoking
c) non-stick
d) non-stop
e) non-essential
f) non-member
g) non-slip (surface)
h) non-toxic (paint)
i) non-white (people)
j) non-violent (movie)
k) non-payment (she was finally evicted in April for non-payment of rent)
1) csúszásmentes ____
2) éjjel-nappali ____
3) erőszakmentes ____
4) külsős ____
5) nem dohányzó ____
6) nem fizetés ____
7) nem létező ____
8) nem mérgező
9) nem szükségszerű ____
10) színesbőrű ____
11) teflonos ____

Extra vocabulary:

fit (of)

  • He quit his job in a fit of drunken depression.
  • He had a violent coughing fit.
  • They were found unfit for military service.
  • In an unforeseeable fit of generosity, he gave me 50 bucks.
  • The dress was a perfect fit. – The uniform fitted her perfectly.
  • He was young, good-looking, and physically fit.
  • The windows and doors are fitted with security locks.
  • Poor John awoke from a fitful sleep – he slept fitfully. (not regular(ly), starting and stopping often)
  • When she took a glance at the hideous picture, Sarah had a shivering fit.

Tessék, lehet csemegézni. Handout itt.


2 komment

Címkék: ötlet mix warm up collocations idioms grammar többfunkciós crazy words teaching tricks be sophisticated downloadable exercises linking words adjectives

2011.02.09. 08:50 semiambidextrous

Altered Grandma

Rövid bejegyzés, kezdő nyelvtanulóknak. :)

A mai kérdésem, hogy mik ezek? A válasz egyetlen szó, nyelvészek előnyben. A megfejtést követően tudunk beszélni a hasznukról, illetve a lehetséges alkalmazásukról. Remélem, eléggé enigmatikus lett ez így korán reggel.

• Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz.
• The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


Egy hasonló alapokon nyugvó lista hőn szeretett nyelvünkön is, amolyan közakaratnak (értsd: nyomás) engedve ITT.

10 komment

Címkék: ötlet games többfunkciós cultural shock crazy words teaching tricks riddles applied linguistics

2011.01.27. 06:00 semiambidextrous

The Story of the Sandman_The Last Chapter

Sandman kolléga történetének is vége kell, hogy legyen egyszer, és miért ne legyen most az egyszer? Nézhettek a monitorra, mint léggömbárus a nyílvesszőre, attól a tény tény marad. A lényeg, hogy a folytatásos történetek, mint pl. ez itt egy olyan módszertani pluszt adnak, amiből minden fájdalomcsillapítózó (aspiring, bocs) tanerő képes, akár fémipari előismeretek nélkül is, előnyt kovácsolni. Ezt Rátok bízom.

"Well, now," Madame Holle finished. "Your explorations in these mountains have not been a (1) ________ of time! So off you go, and remember what I've told you today!"
We shook her hand and thanked her. She took us outside, where we found a considerable covering of snow. It was not going to be easy to find our way. The full moon (2) _________ a magical light on the mountains, and Madame Holle's house was washed in silver. She stood at the door and waved farewell as we left. But when we turned to look back, she and her house had disappeared (3) _________ sight! We stared in disbelief and ran back.
But the farmhouse was really gone, and where it (4) _________ stood we found only undisturbed snow. The only living being around us was a hen capercaillie standing on a large rock; she did not fly away. It gave us a strange feeling. A little confused, we found our way, with some difficulty, back to our tent.
After a cold night in the tent, surrounded by snow, we quickly (5) ________ our way back down to the village so we could write down what we had learned. This was clearly what the Sandman wanted, for why else would he have allowed everything to be revealed to us?
When we got to the village inn the atmosphere seemed to be (6) __________ more hostile than when we had left the week before. It was obvious that the spies sent by the sleeping pill manufacturers felt that we had discovered something important.
Because (7) _________ was no bus that day, and the village had no trains, we had to spend the night at the inn. But as we were going up to our room Mario the waiter stopped us on the stairs and whispered: "You must get away from here! They are planning to rob you in your room at midnight. Madre di dio! Those rascals won't stop at anything! I'll come to get you as soon as it (8) _________ to get dark."
We waited, depressed about this (9) _________ of events, until Mario arrived silently. He took our bags, led us down the stairs, and waited until there was no one in the hallway. Then he motioned urgently for us to slip past the door of the barroom, where the clattering plates indicated that the evening meal was being (10) __________.
The back of the building was deserted. He led us through an old stable door to the outside and showed us a pathway that (11) __________ take us past the village to the road. Then he said with a wink, "I hope you will write a bellissimo book about everything, signori. But first make (12) ____________ you don't get caught!"

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: nature series linking words the sandman cloze madame holle

2011.01.24. 14:01 semiambidextrous



Ilyet már csináltuk, ez most az a szint, amikor egy feladatból bármit ki lehet hozni.



Fill in the gaps with one suitably formed word!

a) He might be difficult to work with, but his knowledge of marketing is ____________.
b) It was really ____________ of him not to let you sleep at his place for at least one night.
c) My feelings towards him are _______________. In a nutshell, we have a love-hate relationship.
d) He is an ______________ student, who looks down on everybody including his professors.
e) 'How come he is here?' ' They ________________ sent him an invitation.'
f) The final speech of the defense lawyer was quite ________________, no wonder they've lost the case.
g) Her secret affair with the boss was actually _____________. Everybody knew about it.
h) It looks ______________ that we'll have to buy this series of encyclopedias for the school.
i) It was quite ________________ of Jim to travel abroad without finding work and accommodation.
j) Now I know that sending him away was an ______________ mistake. Nobody can do this job as efficiently as he could.
k) Don't you feel that this job is ______________ with your interest and abilities? I don't think you'll be able to cope with it in the long run.
l) Every teacher was afraid to enter our classroom as we were considered to be the most _______________ children in the school.

a) Dispute
b) Hospitality
c) Define
d) Reverence
e) Comprehend
f) Articulate
g) Disguise
h) Inevitability
i) Prudence
j) Remedies
k) Commensurable
l) Discipline

For a printable handout click... no, no, not there, right here.

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Címkék: collocations idioms többfunkciós be sophisticated downloadable exercises word formation big words

2011.01.20. 06:46 semiambidextrous

I'm a purse!

Ezeket nem lehet eleget gyakorolni:



Exercise 1 - Match the sentences to the pictures and then fill in the blanks with the parts of the body from the list. You may use each word only once.

Eye        eyes      nose      chest   head    head     back     mind    heart    arm      heels   feet
A, Doctor, there's something I need to get off my___________.
B, I don't know what's wrong with the boss today I only asked a question and she bit my ___________off!
C, We weren't really arguing until Basil came along and decided to stick his ___________ in.
D, I can't possibly meet you for lunch today. I'm up to my ___________ in work at the moment.
E, As she walked up the aisle towards Barry, Linda started to get cold ___________.
F, When John left me for another woman, he broke my ___________.
G, I have to sit near the water's edge so I can keep an ___________ on Emma.
H, Oh all right, I'll come and watch it with you. You've twisted my ___________.
I, I fell ___________ over ___________ in love with her the moment I saw her, but she doesn't want to know me.
J, As I walked away, I could hear them whispering about me behind my ___________.
K, He was in the shop for ages because he couldn't make up his ___________ which T-shirt to buy.
Exercise 2 - Replace the word or phrase in bold in sentences 1-10 with one of the idioms from the list below, changing verb forms, pronouns, etc as necessary.
For example:          It would make me very sad if anything happened to my cat.
It would break my heartif anything happened to my cat.
a)      have/get cold feet
b)      head over heels in love
c)       behind sb's back
d)      twist sb's arm
e)      break sb's heart
f)        keep an eye on sb/sth
g)      poke/stick your nose in(to sth)
h)      get sth off your chest
i)        bite sb's head off
j)        be up to your eyes in sth
k)      make up your mind



1)       Could you watch my bags for me while I go into the shop, please? _____
2)      The way we bring up the children is our business. I don't want your mother interfering! _____
3)      Mark and Emma are both still crazy about each other even after five years. _____
4)      He was going to report it to the police, but at the last minute he felt too scared and decided to keep quiet. _____
5)      Why not tell him how you feel? It might do you good to talk about it. _____
6)      Fran says she's too busy to come to the party tonight. See if you can persuade her. _____
7)      You'll just have to decide which one you want. I'm not waiting any longer! _____
8)      When I asked him what he wanted to eat, he just shouted at me. _____
9)      It's not fair of us to discuss Jo's work without her knowing about it. _____
10)   We're so busy because we've just moved house and we have got loads of boxes that need unpacking. _____


For the classroom-ready handout click here.


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Címkék: collocations idioms meaning of be smart

2011.01.17. 14:28 semiambidextrous

Folktales Quiz


A kvízek, úgy tűnik, évszázadok óta kedvelt és hatékony formái a tanulásnak. Azt viszont észrevettem, hogy a nyelvoktatásban elvétve van csak jelen - a legtöbb igazgató, vagy szakvezető pedig úgy néz rád, mint léggömbárus a nyílvesszőre, ha előhozol egy ilyen ötletet, mivel "kilóg a tanmenetből - sőt, bele sem illik".

Nem hát, de az életbe igen. :D



Folktales Quiz

1. What are the principal kinds of folktales?
a. novels, romances, and myths
b. myths, legends, and fairy tales
c. essays, legends, and songs
d. fairy tales, poems, and myths

2. Where is the home of the Greek gods?
a. Mt. Olympus
b. Mt. McKinley
c. Mt. Everest
d. The Himalayas

3. What day is derived from the Norse god Thor?
a. Tuesday
b. Monday
c. Friday
d. Thursday

3 komment

Címkék: motivation literature quiz classroom vocab többfunkciós teaching tricks be smart just for fun folktales

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